EPA qualification-level guidance
Guidance on complying with the rules and regulations for Ofqual-regulated apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs).
Applies to England
The guidance is intended to help awarding organisations (AOs) understand Ofqual’s regulatory framework and how it applies to end-point assessments (EPAs).
This document is part of a suite of documents which outlines our guidance for awarding organisations offering EPAs. Where we have not proposed updates to guidance currently in place, the existing guidance will continue to apply.
Revisions to this document
This document was republished on 26 April 2023 to introduce new or amended guidance following consultation. The following sections of the guidance were amended:
- Note on terminology
- Guidance on Condition C2 (Arrangements with Centres)
- Guidance on Condition E3 (Publication of a qualification specification)
- Guidance on Condition H1 (Marking the assessment)
The following sections of the guidance were added:
- Guidance on Condition EPA1 (Compliance with Assessment Plans) (replacing and expanding upon the original ‘Guidance on Condition D1 Fitness for purpose of qualifications, Condition E4 Ensuring an assessment is fit for purpose and can be delivered, and Condition G1 Setting the assessment’)
- Guidance on Condition C1 (Arrangements with third parties)