Policy paper

Annex A: Summary of data inputs

Published 20 December 2024

1. Tonnage from Waste Data Flow

This data is taken from LAs reporting movements of waste using the Waste Data Flow Waste Management system. Data from 21/22 has been used for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Data from the calendar year 2021 has been used for Scotland.

2. National Waste Composition analyses

This data is taken from the WRAP 2017 waste composition study, Zero Waste Scotland 2023 waste composition study and WRAP Welsh 2023 composition study.   Where composition data was not sufficiently granular placed on the market data submitted by producers into the Report Packaging Data online portal system for the calendar year 2023, and government commissioned work on the proportion of given packaging categories that are in scope of the Deposit Returns Scheme.

Due to a lack of evidence around the proportion of ‘wood’ and ‘other’ materials in the waste stream that would constitute packaging material, assumptions around these proportions were adjusted to match the tonnages of these materials reported as placed on the market in the Report Packaging Data online portal. 

Assumptions around the tonnages of ‘fibre-based composites’ and ‘paper and card’ packaging materials in the waste stream were also adjusted to better reflect the tonnages reported as placed on the market in the Report Packaging Data online portal (whilst keeping the total tonnages in the waste stream constant). Data from government commissions work on the proportion of given packaging categories that are in scope of DRS are used to finalise packaging tonnages by removing DRS materials.

3. Disposal costs from WRAP Gate Fee survey

This data has been taken from the UK Gate Fees report 2023-24%20gate%20fee%20has%20decreased.) (WRAP) and is used for the all disposal methods except reprocessors and Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plants.

4. Disposal costs from the Welsh Government

Cost data taken from Welsh local authorities has been used to determine gate fees for bulking and handling material sent direct to reprocessor following separate collections.

5. Disposal costs from Defra’s Waste Infrastructure Development Programme

Disposal costs from Defra’s Waste Infrastructure Development Programme have been used to determine gate fees for MBT plants.

6. WRAP Materials Pricing Report

Data from the 2023 Materials Pricing Report (WRAP) has been used in the calculation of per material rebates associated with the 2023/24 MRF Gate Fees.

7. Wood prices

Publicly available data from letsrecycle has been used for the material value of wood used to calculate per material rebates associated with the 2023/24 MRF Gate Fees.

8. Scheme Data

This data has been obtained for 21/22 from the WRAP LA portal.

9. Household numbers

Based on the 2021 ONS Census. Based on the National Records of Scotland estimates from 2021 for Scotland.

10. Bulk Density data

Data provided directly by WRAP.

11. Sampled LA cost data

This was taken in a Request for Information (RFI) exercise where 52 LAs across the UK provided real cost data on their waste management costs. More information on Sampled LA Cost Data is provided above.