Equalities impact assessment: building schools for the future
This impact assessment looks at the rationale behind the buildings schools for the future project and why the government is now looking at stopping the programme.
Building schools for the future (BSF) was started in 2005 and aimed to renew the secondary school estate in England where needed by 2023. The government aims to stop the programme because it has made insufficient progress and impact. BSF was supposed to have built 200 wholly new schools by the end of 2008; and had only rebuilt 35 and refurbished 13. BSF is seen to be over-complex bureaucratically and is over costly. The cost to each school for just participating in the early stages of the programme was equivalent to the cost of a whole newly qualified teacher. The cost of setting up the procurement bureaucracy before building could commence has been up to £10 million for each local area.
- description of the policy
- the evidence base
- challenges and opportunities