Policy paper

Equality assessment on establishment of NHS Constitution Right

The equality assessment is being published to accompany the establishment of this NHS Constitution Right in the standing rules regulations.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Applies to England


Good practice guidance for PCT decision making processes on drugs and treatments

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The Department undertook an equality screening assessment in relation to a package of work to deliver this right, although this equality assessment was not published at the time, it now accompanies the establishment of this NHS Constitution Right in the standing rules regulations.

The NHS Constitution includes a right for patients to expect local decisions on funding of other drugs and treatments to be made rationally following a proper consideration of the evidence. If the local NHS decides not to fund a drug or treatment you and your doctor feel would be right for you, they will explain that decision to you.

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Published 22 November 2012

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