Corporate report

Equality impact assessments 2010

Details of equality impact assessments for the Ministry of Justice in 2010.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


Equality impact assessments 2010

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Details of equality impact assessments for the Ministry of Justice in 2010.

Equality impact assessments ensure that our policies, services and legislation do not discriminate against anyone and that, where possible, we promote equality of opportunity.

The equality impact assessment is a systematic and evidence-based tool, which enables us to consider the likely impact of work on different groups of people. Completion of equality impact assessments is a legal requirement under race, disability and gender equality legislation.

The full versions of the equality impact assessments are available from our Corporate Equality Division, which can also provide the information in alternative formats.

Corporate Equality Division
Ministry of Justice
4.04, 4th Floor
102 Petty France
Tel: 020 3334 2562

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Published 2 March 2011

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