EC-CLAIM 1: escape fee case claim form
Forms and checklists to submit escape fee case claims under the 4 different categories.
Applies to England and Wales
Make an escape fee case claim using the form and checklist relevant to your case: civil, immigration, mental health or CLA.
See the related ‘escape fee case claim guidance’.
Updates to this page
Updated the Escape claim checklist - Civil.
New version of Immigration EC CLAIM1 form uploaded.
New claim forms uploaded, with the addition of accessible versions of each form.
Published a guidance document for electronic submission of Escape Case Claims.
Escape Claim Checklist - Immigration updated
Updated Electronic EC Claim1 forms: Digital claim forms for all escape case categories.
An updated version of the Escape Case Appeal Form is now available.
Update to the checklists
Appeal pro-forma published.
Electronic EC Claim1 forms: Digital claim forms for all escape case categories added.
Electronic EC Claim1 forms link added.
CLA EC reject checklist published.
Checklists updated.
New versions of forms ECLAIM1 civil, ECCLAIM1IMM & ECCLAIMMH published.
First published.