ESFA e-bulletin for academies: 15 June 2017
Published 15 June 2017
Applies to England
1. Information: budget forecast return 2017 to 2018
We’ve published the guide to completing and submitting the 2017 to 2018 budget forecast return. The online form will be available from Wednesday 21 June 2017 and we’ll write directly to trust accounting officers and chief financial officers to confirm this.
We’ve also published an Excel workbook and guidance to help you prepare for the online form. We encourage academy trusts to use the workbook and guidance to help complete your return. ESFA requires academy trusts with open academies to submit their budget forecast for 2017 to 2018 by Friday, 28 July 2017.
If a new academy joins an existing multi-academy trust on or after the submission deadline, a separate return for that academy will be required.
For trusts opening on or after 1 May 2017, the deadline is either 6 weeks from receiving their funding letter or Friday, 28 July 2017, depending which is later.
2. Information: Academies Accounts Direction 2016 to 2017
We’ve published the Academies Accounts Direction 2016 to 2017. This is the reference pack for you and your auditors to use when preparing and auditing your trust’s annual reports and financial statements.
You will need to submit your audited financial statements and management letter for the accounting period ending 31 August 2017 to ESFA by 31 December 2017.
We’ll provide information about how to submit your financial statements by 1 October 2017.