
ESFA e-bulletin for schools, colleges, local authorities and other 16 to 19 providers: 26 October 2017

Published 26 October 2017

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. The EFA e-bulletin has been replaced by ESFA Update.

Applies to England

1. Action: 16 to 19 infrastructure changes in maintained schools

We have contacted local authorities this week about returning details of any 16 to 19 infrastructure changes in maintained schools for the academic year 2018 to 2019 by 30 November 2017. This includes details of any:

  • new school sixth forms
  • closing school sixth forms
  • phased closure of sixth forms
  • mergers between existing school sixth forms

All files should be uploaded to the ESFA Information Exchange in the document exchange ‘revenue funding’ folder, under ‘AY 2018-19’.

To access the document exchange log into ESFA Information Exchange and choose the document exchange tab at the top of the page. For support and guidance about ESFA Information Exchange, please visit our support page.

2. Information: National Leaders of Further Education

We have published information about the National Leaders in Further Education (NLFE) programme.

The aim of the NLFE programme is to engage and mobilise outstanding leaders within the further education sector to work with their peers in supporting improvement, so as to secure the best possible outcomes for learners at all colleges. NLFEs will be supported in their role by their senior leadership teams and members of staff in their own colleges.

We intend to appoint between 30 to 35 NLFEs by the end of 2018 through a phased approach. Each year, we expect an NLFE (including their team) to commit a minimum of 10 days to their role, and to undertake at least one major improvement project partnering with another college.

To find out more, and get details of how to apply, visit the guidance for potential applicants on GOV.UK.

3. Information: Strategic College Improvement Fund

We have published information about the Strategic College Improvement Fund on GOV.UK.

The pilot stage of the Strategic College Improvement Fund (SCIF) will support eligible colleges as they undertake a range of quality improvement activities. SCIF grants are directed at colleges that face significant quality challenges (Grade 3 or 4 for overall effectiveness, or for apprenticeship, at their most recent Ofsted inspection).

Grants will enable these colleges to work with a high-performing partner college on a tailored programme of activities that helps improve the quality of their provision and leads to better outcomes for learners, employers, and local communities.

The SCIF pilot stage will run from November 2017 to July 2018, and we expect to award between 10 and 15 grants.

4. Action: GOV.UK content survey

We need your help to improve information about further education, skills and apprenticeships on GOV.UK.

Our short survey will help us understand how you use our content and the information areas that are important to you. It should take around 2 minutes to complete.

Thank you for answering our questions, your feedback really matters.

5. Information: Office for Students consultation

DfE have published a consultation on the regulatory framework for Office for Students.

The consultation seeks views on the proposals for a new approach to regulation in higher education and the approach to the transition of providers to the new regulatory framework.