
ESFA Update local authorities: 12 June 2024

Published 12 June 2024

Applies to England

Action: Deadline for funding claim – Thursday 13 June 2024  

Submit your 2023 to 2024 year-end funding claim by 5pm on Thursday 13 June 2024.   

You will need to submit a claim if you receive funds through these grant-funded contracts:    

  • The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) funded adult education budget (AEB) – adult skills, community learning, 19 to 24 traineeships and level 3 free courses for jobs offer   
  • advanced learner loans bursary (ALLB)  

The 16 to 19 delivery section of the funding claim only needs to be signed off for your final funding claims. You do not need to take any action for mid-year or year-end funding claims for 16 to 19 delivery. 

Read the funding claims user guide to help complete your claim on submit learner data

Information: Apprenticeships accountability framework 

The apprenticeship accountability framework (AAF) dashboard has been updated to include the thresholds published in the AAF in April 2024. The new thresholds will be used in performance conversations from June 2024.    

To support provider self-improvement, the dashboard now also includes more detailed benchmarking at occupational standard level using provider 2022 to 2023 qualification achievement rates (QARs).  

Benchmarking data now includes quartile data, alongside the comparison benchmarking introduced in April 2024. The apprenticeship training provider accountability framework and specification guidance provides information on how benchmarking will be used as part of AAF discussions and technical detail on how quartile benchmarking is calculated. 

Action: Import/export arrangements 2024 to 2025 – data and error template now available 

Guidance on the 2024 to 2025 import/export data error process has now been published. 

ESFA has written to local authorities, via GalaxKey, with the institution level data used to calculate the 2024 to 2025 import/export adjustment, alongside a template for you to complete to notify us of any data error and contact details for other local authorities.  

The 2024 to 2025 special free school adjustment data has also been included in the email to your local authority.  

You may use this information if you wish to review the calculation of the total net import export adjustment to your local authority’s dedicated schools grant.  

Local authorities have until Friday 26 July 2024 to notify us if schools or colleges have recorded the census or individual learner record data used in the import/export adjustment incorrectly.