ESFA Update further education: 17 October 2018
Published 17 October 2018
Applies to England
1. Information: availability of ESFA services
We will be carrying out essential maintenance this weekend. As a result, ESFA services will be unavailable between 7am on Saturday 20 October and 8am on Monday 22 October 2018.
Key services affected include:
- Data Collections Service (the Hub)
- Manage your education and skills funding (previously known as the Skills funding service)
- Learning Records Service
- Apprenticeship Service
- National Careers Service
Please do not attempt to use ESFA services during this period.
2. Information: Skills funding service name changes
The ‘Skills funding service’ has changed its name on GOV.UK to ‘Manage your education and skills funding’. If you have bookmarked the Skills funding service page the link will redirect.
From Monday 22 October, the portal will include tools for schools, starting with functionality to help them track their PE and sports grant allocation.
In the coming months, we will be rolling out additional functionality so that users can:
- view adult funding allocations on screen
- submit and receive documents from the ESFA
3. Information: high needs funding publication for special post-16 providers
We have published the high needs funding: due diligence process for special post-16 providers guidance.
This guidance explains the process for special post-16 institutions (SPIs) that may lead to a grant funding arrangement with the Education Skills and Funding Agency (ESFA) for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
To be eligible to receive ESFA funding, SPIs need to be:
- included within their provider local authority high needs place change workbook (required by 16 November 2018)
- named in at least 10 education, health and care (EHC) plans
Subject to meeting these requirements, we will undertake due diligence to ensure that the SPI is eligible to receive ESFA funding.
4. Information: T levels provider list updated
We have updated the list of providers delivering T levels in 2020 to 2021 academic year.
This follows the opportunity to express an interest to deliver the Building planning, surveying and design T Level.
5. Information: EpiPen and EpiPen Junior shortage advice for colleges and training providers
Due to the current shortage of EpiPens, the Department for Health and Social Care has issued EpiPen guidance for colleges drawn up by NHS allergy experts.