ESFA Update further education: 18 July 2018
Published 18 July 2018
Applies to England
1. Information: industry placements - capacity and delivery fund (CDF) for 2019 to 2020 for 16 to 19 providers not in receipt of CDF in 2018 to 2019 academic year
We have published information explaining the arrangements for 16 to 19 providers applying to deliver industry placements through the CDF in 2019 to 2020 academic year.
This information is for those providers that did not receive an allocation of CDF in 2018 to 2019 academic year. We have written to eligible providers outlining the process. If you think you are eligible to apply for this funding and have not received a letter via email, please contact us through our online contact form.
2. Information: non-levy apprenticeship performance-management point
You are now able to submit growth requests for your 16 to 18 and adult non-levy apprenticeship contract for the 2018 to 2019 funding year.
Please send your completed growth request forms to Provider.PerformanceManagement@Education.GOV.UK and your provider manager before 5pm on Friday 3 August.
Any growth awarded will be from August 2018 to March 2019 and will be subject to available budget.
We remain committed to supporting high-quality apprenticeship delivery wherever possible. We will prioritise available funds to meet gaps in the construction sector, in particular:
- accessing and rigging
- stonemasonry
- applied waterproof membranes
- plant maintenance
- cladding
For this growth exercise, we will be using the ILR R12 data returns (due 6 August). Therefore, please ensure that your R12 ILR returns are accurate and complete.
For further information, please refer to version 6 of the apprenticeship funding and performance-management rules for training providers or contact your provider manager.
3. Information: interactive post-16 school census tool
We have updated our post-16 interactive tool to support the return of accurate post-16 school census data. Some institutions risk not getting the funding they should because of inaccurate data.
The tool will help you understand:
- how your data is used to calculate your post-16 funding
- how common data errors affect your funding
Business managers and staff responsible for preparing and submitting the autumn school census return will find it useful.
A suite of ESFA funding reports will be available in COLLECT when the autumn census opens in October. They will show you how your data looks in relation to our post-16 funding calculations. We strongly advise institutions to use these reports to help quality assure census returns.
The tool is in an Excel workbook, please make sure that macros are enabled so that the workbook functions properly.
If you have any questions, please use our online enquiry form.
4. Reminder: devolved formula capital allocations 2018 to 2019
We have published devolved formula capital (DFC) allocations for 2018 to 2019.
Allocations spreadsheets now include DFC amounts for all eligible institutions. Payments will be in July as previously announced.
5. Information: community learning procurement in Somerset
We have issued confirmation to the winning organisation who have been awarded a contract to deliver these services from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019.
We completed this procurement exercise, in accordance with Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015, to secure non-formula funded community learning provision in Somerset for 2018 to 2019.
Prior to contract delivery commencement, after receipt of a signed contract, we will publish the contract holder and value on GOV.UK.