ESFA Update academies: 3 August 2022
Published 3 August 2022
Applies to England
1. Information: admission of summer-born children
Baroness Barran, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System, has recently issued a statement on the admission of summer-born children to school to all local authorities and own admission authority schools.
The statement thanks admission authorities for their co-operation in ensuring that decisions on the admission of summer-born children continue to be taken in the best interests of children. It sets out that data suggests the system is now working well and she does not intend to continue to pursue legislation on this issue at this time, but will keep this position under review if the situation changes.
2. Information: Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2022 to 2023 outcome
We have published the list of successful appeals for the CIF 2022 to 2023 round.
This will provide funding of £18 million for 42 projects at 42 academies, sixth-form colleges and voluntary aided schools. For more information, please visit the Condition Improvement Fund: 2022 to 2023 outcome.
3. Information: unregistered VAT126 customers
HMRC have updated the VAT126 form. You will notice several changes that will help you submit a correct claim. These changes include:
- a link to the most up to date guidance
- clearer selection of entity options
- asking for an excel spreadsheet for invoices claimed together with a detailed description of the amount claimed
- a declaration that the claim is accurate to the best of your knowledge
Please note the VAT126 form cannot be used to claim back VAT on purchases for business supplies or any related administration costs, for example cycle to work and child-care vouchers.
Should your turnover exceed the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) you need to consider if you should be registered for VAT. More information can be found on GOV.UK on registering for VAT.
Academies and multi-academy trusts can use this online service VAT126 to claim back VAT for your non-business.