
ESFA Update local authorities: 8 June 2022

Published 8 June 2022

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Read the latest editions of ESFA Update for the latest news and information.

Applies to England

1. Action: consultation on implementing the direct national funding formula

We are seeking views on our approach to implementing the direct national funding formula (NFF) for mainstream schools.

This consultation follows on from our summer 2021 consultation on completing our reforms to the NFF.

Our first consultation on the direct NFF, Fair school funding for all, focused on the principles of moving to a direct formula. Following feedback to that consultation, the Government published its response, which confirmed our commitment to introduce the direct NFF.

This consultation focuses on the detail of the implementation of the direct NFF. We are seeking views on our suggested approach, to ensure that the direct NFF is implemented as effectively and smoothly as possible.

2. Reminder: year-end forecast funding claim for 2021 to 2022

The year-end forecast funding claim window will open at 9am on Friday 10 June 2022. Please submit your year-end funding claim by 4pm on Wednesday 15 June 2022.The claim form will be available on Submit Learner Data.

You will need to submit a claim if you receive funds through these contracts:

  • grant funded – ESFA adult education budget (AEB) (adult skills, community learning, 19 to 24 traineeships and NSF Level 3 adult offer (for learners aged 23 or under))
  • grant funded – ESFA NSF Level 3 adult offer (for learners aged 24 or over)
  • grant funded - advanced learner loans bursary (ALLB)
  • 16 to 19 education

For more information, please see the 2021 to 2022 funding claims guidance. The user guide to help you complete the form is available on GOV.UK.

Once you have submitted your claim you will also be able to view it on the Manage your education and skills funding.

If you have any queries, please use our help centre to contact us.

3. Reminder: local authority high needs funding: 2022 to 2023 operational guide survey

We’d like to gather user feedback on the content and format of the current high needs funding: 2022 to 2023 operational guide. We’ll use feedback received from the survey to inform and shape future publications of the guide.

You can access the survey and submit your responses by 27 June 2022. Please forward to all schools in your local authority and note that this survey is optional.

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at

Thank you in advance for your participation and contributions – the views of our audience are important to us and will help improve the accessibility of future publications.

4. Information: local authority post-16 grant return for the 2021 to 2022 financial year

We sent an email to all local authority chief financial officers copied to chief executives on 31 May 2022, highlighting the requirement for local authorities to submit their post-16 grant return for 2021 to 2022.

This must be signed by the chief finance officers in the template provided and returned to ESFA, by email to by 30 June 2022.

5. Information: adult education budget (AEB) funding rates and formula guidance for 2022 to 2023

We have published version 1 of the 2022 to 2023 AEB funding rates and formula. There are no major changes to the funding system from the 2021 to 2022 year. The only minor change to the guidance document is:

  • we have removed references to high value courses for school and college leavers: a one-year offer for 18 and 19-year-olds, as you were required to complete delivery on these courses by 31 March 2022 in the 2021 to 2022 funding year.

If you have any questions, please contact us using our enquiry form.

6. Information: supporting pupils this summer through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP)

There is still time to support pupils through the NTP. To find out how your school could benefit from tutoring, view our how to guide on the options available.

Schools should continue to deliver tuition to pupils in 15-hour packages. To allow schools the flexibility to complete as many 15-hour packages as possible before the end of August, you may consider:

  • delivering more than one session to pupils per week or extending sessions to more than one hour, if appropriate
  • continuing tuition in July and August (for schools offering summer tuition)
  • allowing pupil swapping to increase the benefit of support to those pupils who need it the most. For example, schools could divide the 15-hour package between two pupils depending on need, with one pupil receiving 10 hours and the second pupil receiving 5 hours

6.1 Prepare for NTP data collection

Later in June, ESFA will release the ‘School-Led Tutoring: Year-End Statement’. It is mandatory for all schools that received the school-led tutoring (SLT) grant to complete and return it. An optional tracker and calculator tool has been designed to help schools track SLT information during the academic year.

We will provide full guidance on completing the Year-End Statement later this month. Page 21 of the School Led Tutoring guidance includes the data you will be asked to provide.

7. Information: join these webinars on approved frameworks and see how you could save money for your school

The Department for Education (DfE) is hosting webinars on how using our approved frameworks could help your school get value for money.

If you are responsible for buying goods and services for your schools, check out the range of informative webinars that could help you save time and money.

All sessions are free, use these Eventbrite links to join the Schools Commercial Team and take the opportunity to ask providers the questions you may have:

Follow our ‘Buying for Schools’ LinkedIn page to learn more about how we can support your school to buy goods and services.