
Update: issue 373 (27 September 2017)

Updated 27 September 2017

This correspondence was withdrawn on

This has been withdrawn as it’s out of date. Find the latest information from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in the latest ESFA Update.

Applies to England

1. R14 - Qualification Achievement Rates and Minimum Standards 2016 to 2017


We are approaching the close of the 2016 to 2017 funding year for data collections and funding claims. We use this data to calculate provider Qualification Achievement Rates (QAR) and Minimum Standards.

Please ensure any amendments are made to your 2016 to 2017 ILR data before the ILR hard close on Thursday, 19 October.

After this date you will not be able to fix any issues from your 2016 to 2017 ILR return. We only use R04 2017 to 2018 data returns to identify late notified apprenticeship achievements, restarts for learners returning from a planned break and, in the timely QAR calculations, to identify achievements within 90 days.

For further information on the methodology for 2016 to 2017, please refer to the business rules.

We will also shortly publish the updated QAR dataset production specification documents for 2016 to 2017.

2. Register of apprenticeship training providers: open for applications


The register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) is now open for applications and closes at 5pm on Friday, 27 October. We will publish the updated register in January 2018.

This application round is open to all organisations, including those organisations that have not previously been successful. If you have already been successful in your application to the RoATP, you do not need to re-apply.

This will be the final time the register opens before we intend to review it to ensure that it continues to offer employers confidence that those listed can deliver the highest quality apprenticeship training.

For more information about applying to become an apprenticeship training provider, visit GOV.UK.

3. Feedback on withdrawal of frameworks


We are asking for feedback on the 5th batch of frameworks until 6pm on Wednesday, 18 October.

We asked for feedback on the 4th batch of frameworks to be withdrawn earlier in the year and recently delayed the announcement of this process. We will announce the outcomes of both batches next year. The date for those we intend to withdraw to new starts will be no earlier than 1 January 2019.

For further information, refer to the removal of apprenticeship frameworks page on GOV.UK or contact the service desk.

4. Addendum to the apprenticeship funding rules 2017 to 2018


We will shortly publish an addendum to the apprenticeship funding rules with updates to the ‘support for English and maths’ and ‘contracting and subcontracting’ sections of the rules.

The English and maths changes implement recommendations from the Maynard Taskforce to support apprentices for people with learning difficulties or disabilities.

We have also published updates to equivalent English and maths qualifications for standards and for the purposes of prior attainment.

The changes to subcontracting clarify why we do not permit second-level subcontracting.