Corporate report

Categorisation for cases issued 2023 to 2024

Published 30 July 2024

Environmental, Social and Human Rights (ESHR) risk and impact categorisation of civil (non-aerospace) cases for which support was issued during 2023-24 that fell within the scope of the OECD Common Approaches and/or the Equator Principles.

1. Angola

1.1 Case: Design, and supply of hydraulic equipment and construction of associated civil works, water infrastructure, electrical infrastructure, as well as personnel training for a Dam in Quiminha, Angola.

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Direct Lending 

ESHR risks profile 

Medium potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Climate change; 

  • Noise and vibrations; 
  • Hazardous materials management; 
  • Waste and wastewater management; 
  • Air emissions; 
  • Water resources; 
  • Worker welfare; 
  • Management of third-party contractors and suppliers; 
  • Grievance mechanisms; 
  • Occupational health and safety; 
  • Emergency planning and response; 
  • Traffic management; 
  • Cultural heritage; 
  • Community engagement; and 
  • Community health, safety and security 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (2012) 
  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 
  • General EHS Guidelines (2007) 
  • EHS Guidelines for Health Care Facilities (2007) 
  • EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

1.2 Case: Critical infrastructure Project, Benguela Province, Angola.

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

ESHR risks profile 

Medium potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Noise and vibrations; 

  • Waste and wastewater management; 

  • Air emissions; 

  • Water resources; 

  • Worker welfare; 

  • Management of third-party contractors and suppliers; 

  • Grievance mechanisms; 

  • Occupational health and safety; 

  • Emergency planning and response; 

  • Traffic management; 

  • Cultural heritage; 

  • Community engagement; and 

  • Community health, safety and security 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General EHS Guidelines (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Construction Materials Extraction (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

2. Iraq

2.1  Case: Design, construction, supply of equipment, and maintenance of sewage and rainwater network in the District of Al-Hilla, located in the middle of Republic of Iraq

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

Medium potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • emergency planning and response;  

  • health and safety and related worker training; 

  • worker conditions of contract and subcontractor management;  

  • grievance mechanisms for workers and community; 

  • emissions (including noise, air, water and greenhouse gas (GHG)); 

  • waste and hazardous material management; 

  • security management; 

  • community engagement;  

  • storm water management; and 

  • potential land acquisition and resettlement

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General EHS Guidelines (2007); and 

  • EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation (2007). 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2)

Additional information  

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project.  

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

3.  Senegal

3.1  Case: Construction and rehabilitation of multiple roads within the national road network of Senegal, Project Strada

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

High potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Stakeholder engagement; 

  • Grievance mechanisms; 

  • Emergency planning and response; 

  • Worker welfare and occupational health and safety; 

  • Supply chain management; 

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions; 

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management; 

  • Materials management in relation to shared resources and/or associated facilities; 

  • Community health, safety and security; 

  • Traffic management;  

  • Potential for physical and economic displacement;  

  • Biodiversity management;  

  • Cultural heritage; and  

  • Monitoring and reporting for multiple project component locations. 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General Guidelines (2007); 

  • EHS Guidelines for Toll Roads (2007); and 

  • EHS Guidelines for Construction Material Extractions (2007). 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

4. Tanzania 

4.1 Case: Expansion and upgrade of an existing Airport in Pemba Island, Tanzania 

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

High potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Worker welfare and occupational health and safety; 

  • Grievance mechanisms; 

  • Emergency planning and response; 

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions; 

  • Climate change; 

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management; 

  • Community engagement; 

  • Traffic management; and 

  • Land acquisition 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General Guidelines (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Construction Materials Extraction (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Airports (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation, 2007 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

4.2 Case: Rehabilitation and upgrade of three roads in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

4.3 Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 

4.4 Category 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

High potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Worker welfare and occupational health and safety; 

  • Grievance mechanisms; 

  • Emergency planning and response; 

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions; 

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management; 

  • Community engagement; 

  • Traffic management; and 

  • Land acquisition 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General Guidelines (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Construction Materials Extraction (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Toll Roads (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

5. Turkey 

5.1  Case: Construction and operation of a double-track high-speed rail, Yerköy – Kayseri  

Applicable ESHR risk framework

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

High potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • physical and economic displacement; 

  • critical habitats; 

  • occupational health and safety; 

  • air, noise and vibration impacts; 

  • wastewater treatment; 

  • waste and hazardous material management; 

  • emergency planning and response; 

  • construction camp conditions; 

  • grievance mechanisms; and 

  • community engagement 

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General Guidelines (2007); 

  • Guidelines for Construction Materials Extraction (2007); and 

  • Guidelines for Railways (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

6. Ukraine 

6.1  Case: Supply of machinery, design, engineering, and project management in the restoration and operation of 6 Bridges, Ukraine. 

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Buyer Credit Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

Medium potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • emergency planning and response;

  • explosive remnants of war;

  • traffic management and road safety;

  • health and safety;

  • waste and hazardous material management;

  • emissions to the atmosphere (including land, air and water);

  • worker conditions of contract; and 

  • grievance mechanisms

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3 and 4 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General EHS Guidelines (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Toll Roads (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

The operational project is not expected to produce GHGs in excess of 25,000 tonnes CO2equiv per year (Scope 1 and Scope 2). 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.

7. United Kingdom 

7.1  Case: Provision of capital and operating expenditure required to construct a monopile manufacturing facility in the UK, SeAH EDG  

Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 



Export Development Guarantee 

ESHR risks profile 

Medium potential ESHR risks, including: 

  • Climate change; 

  • Labour and working conditions, including occupational health and safety; 

  • Management of third-party contractors and suppliers; 

  • Grievance mechanisms; 

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions; 

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management; 

  • Water and energy resources management; 

  • Community engagement; 

  • Community health, safety and security; 

  • Emergency planning and response; 

  • Traffic management; 

  • Biodiversity; and 

  • Cultural heritage

International standards applied 

  • IFC Performance Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 (2012) 

  • WBG and IFC EHS Guidelines: 

  • General Guidelines (2007) 

  • EHS Guidelines for Metal, Plastic and Rubber Products Manufacturing (2007) 

Estimated greenhouse gases (GHGs) 

Based on the estimates provided by SeAH, the GHG emissions for the Project during operations are expected to exceed the 25,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum threshold set out in IFC PS3 for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. However, emissions are not expected to reach the threshold of 100,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year which would trigger the requirement for a Transition Climate Change Risk Assessment as per Equator Principles. 

Additional information 

UKEF undertook an ESHR due diligence review of the project. 

While the project has potential to cause some adverse ESHR impacts, these can be adequately managed using E&S management systems and controls. UKEF is satisfied that the project will be in alignment with the relevant international ESHR standards.