Corporate report

Issued cases designated as Category B

Published 30 July 2024

Issued cases designated as Category B, having medium potential environmental, social and human rights (ESHR) impacts, where UKEF has contingent liabilities outstanding.

1. Angola 

1.1 Project: The expansion and refurbishment of two substations (Gabela and Viana) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Emergency planning and response 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

UKEF to be notified of incidents. No incidents reported.

1.2 Project: Construction and equipment for 4 hospitals 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

First operations self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

1.3 Project: Construction and operation of new livestock farms and irrigation systems (Incatuk)  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

  • Animal welfare 

Monitoring summary 

Construction self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

1.4 Project: Construction and operation of a new substation, expansion of an existing substation, and transmission lines  (Kwanza North) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Biodiversity 

  • Waste management 

  • Security 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

1.5 Project: Construction and operation of a new Burns Hospital  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

1.6 Project: Refurbishment and upgrade of a range of critical public infrastructure along the Atlantic coast of Benguela Province   

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Economic displacement 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. IESC to start construction monitoring.

1.7 Project: Construction of water infrastructure and electrical infrastructure for a Dam in Quiminha.   

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

Monitoring summary 

Construction monitoring has not yet started.

2. Bahrain 

2.1 Project: Wastewater Facility Upgrade (Tubli) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Wastewater and waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Monitoring report received and reviewed.

3. Benin  

3.1 Project: Rehabilitation and upgrade of an existing road (Sogea-Satom) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Traffic Management 

  • Physical resettlement and economic displacement  

Monitoring summary 

Final IESC monitoring report received and reviewed. There are no monitoring requirements for operations.

3.2 Project: Construction and operation of a new governmental building complex  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

3.3 Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Worker welfare and occupational health and safety

  • Grievance mechanisms

  • Emergency planning and response

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management

  • Community engagement

  • Traffic management and 

  • Land acquisition  

Monitoring summary 

Bi-annual construction monitoring report received and reviewed. Operations phase management plan draft received and under review.

4. Cameroon 

4.1 Project: Rehabilitation and upgrade of an existing road and construction of ancillary infrastructures (Douala) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  •  Health and safety  

  • Labour and working conditions  

  • Economic displacement 

  • Noise and air quality  

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

5. Côte d’Ivoire 

5.1 Project: Design, construction and equipping of six regional hospitals 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety  

  • Labour and working conditions  

  •  Noise and air quality  

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring reports received and reviewed.  

5.2 Project: Rehabilitation of two existing roads and construction of four bridges 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Community engagement 

  • Community health and safety and security 

  • Land acquisition 

  • Biodiversity management 

  • Cultural heritage 

  • Decommissioning and restoration  

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring reports received and reviewed.

6. Finland

6.1 Project: Construction of an Agricultural Facility (Rauma) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Supplier Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Fire risk 

  • Health and safety 

  • Waste management 

  • Traffic management 

Monitoring summary 

UKEF to be notified in event of an incident. No incidents reported in the financial year (FY) 2022.

7. Gabon 

7.1 Project: Upgrade of existing roads 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Economic displacement  

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. UKEF waived the requirement for further monitoring reports to be submitted, considering the low level of E&S risks and impacts in the operations phase.

8. Ghana  

8.1 Project: Kumasi airport construction and upgrade, Phase II 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety / contractor management 

  • Noise and air quality 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. Works temporarily suspended.

8.2 Project: Construction and upgrade of Kumasi market 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Wastewater and waste management 

  • Physical resettlement and economic displacement 

Monitoring summary 

Works temporarily suspended from early 2023.

8.3 Project: Construction and operation of a hospital (Bekwai) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Wastewater and waste management 

Monitoring summary 

In December 2022 Ghana Ministry of Finance announced suspension of payments on selected external debts, including the Project. The Project has been restructured under the Paris Club Arrangements. No further E&S monitoring is being undertaken for this Project.

8.4 Project: Construction and operation of Tamale airport, Phase II 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Biodiversity  

  • Wastewater and waste management 

  • Physical resettlement and economic displacement 

  • Community safety / stakeholder engagement  

Monitoring summary 

In December 2022 Ghana Ministry of Finance announced suspension of payments on selected external debts, including the Project. The Project has been restructured under the Paris Club Arrangements. No further E&S monitoring is being undertaken for this Project.

8.5 Project: Upgrade works to Kumasi airport, Phase III 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Wastewater and waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. Works temporarily suspended.

8.6 Project: Design, construction and equipping of a new regional teaching hospital (Kofomo Anokye) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Works temporarily suspended from early 2023.

8.7 Project: Design, construction and equipping of a new regional teaching hospital (Koforidua) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Buyer Credit 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. Works temporarily suspended.

8.8 Project: Redevelopment and modernization of Kumasi market, Phase II 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Noise, vibration and air emissions,  

  • Hazardous materials, drainage, waste and wastewater management 

  • Worker welfare 

  • Occupational health and safety 

  • Traffic management 

  • Community engagement  

  • Community health, safety and security 

  • Economic displacement  

Monitoring summary 

Works temporarily suspended from early 2023.

8.9 Project: Design and construction of a road flyover 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Noise, vibration and air emissions,  

  • Hazardous materials, drainage, waste and wastewater management 

  • Worker welfare 

  • Occupational health and safety 

  • Traffic management 

  • Community engagement  

  • Community health, safety and security 

  • Livelihood restoration 

Monitoring summary 

Works temporarily suspended. Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. Awaiting RAP report and self-monitoring report following the restart of the project and construction

9. Guyana 

9.1 Project: Construction and operations of a paediatric and maternal hospital 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches / Equator Principles 


Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Air emissions, noise and vibrations

  • Hazardous materials management

  • Waste and wastewater management

  • Water resources

  • Emergency planning and response

  • Worker welfare

  • Occupational health and safety

  • Traffic management

  • Community health, safety and security  

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring reports received and reviewed.

10. Indonesia  

10.1 Project: Cleaner fuel initiatives  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Environmental pollution 

  • Health and safety  

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Existing operation – no monitoring requirements.

11. Iraq 

11.1 Project: Construction and development of electrical substations across 15 sites (Phase I and Phase II) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Waste management 

  • Social issues / stakeholder engagement  

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring reports received and reviewed. Just one site left to complete.

11.2 Project: Construction and development of Sewage Project (Al Hilla) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Emergency planning and response

  • Labour and working conditions

  • Health and safety

  • Grievance mechanisms for workers and community

  • Emissions (including noise, air, water and greenhouse gas (GHG))

  • Waste and hazardous material management

  • Security management

  • Community engagement

  • Storm water management and  

  • Potential land acquisition and resettlement

Monitoring summary 

Initial self-monitoring report due end June 2024.

12. Jordan 

12.1 Project: Development of an integrated garment factory  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 

Construction (partially operational) 

Key risks 

  • construction health and safety

  • workers’ accommodation conditions

  • worker human rights, including in the supply chain

  • emissions to air

  • resource efficiency and wastewater management and 

  • worker engagement and grievance mechanisms 

Monitoring summary 

Construction monitoring reports received and reviewed. IESC engaged to undertake human rights audit and review of operational activity.

13. Sri Lanka 

13.1 Project: Supply and installation of single and two-lane bridges 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Biodiversity  

  • Waste management 

  • Social issues / stakeholder engagement

Monitoring summary 

The Project has been on hold since 2021. No E&S monitoring has been undertaken for this Project since then.

13.2 Project: Supply and installation of single and two-lane bridges, Phase IIa and IIb 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Biodiversity  

  • Waste management 

  • Stakeholder engagement  

Monitoring summary 

In December 2022 Ghana Ministry of Finance announced suspension of payments on selected external debts, including the Project. The Project has been restructured under the Paris Club Arrangements. No further E&S monitoring is being undertaken for this Project.

13.3 Project: Supply and installation of single and two-lane bridges, Phase IIc 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety  

  • Biodiversity  

  • Waste management 

  • Stakeholder engagement  

Monitoring summary 

The Project has been on hold since 2021. No E&S monitoring has been undertaken for this Project since then.

14. Togo 

14.1 Project: Rehabilitation of NR14 Sokode-Tchamba-Kambole-Benin Road 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending 

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • emergency planning and response

  • occupational health and safety

  • management of third-party contractors and suppliers

  • worker welfare

  • air, noise and vibration emissions

  • water resources

  • waste and hazardous material management

  • community engagement

  • community health and safety

  • temporary economic displacement and livelihood restoration

  • biodiversity and 

  • cultural heritage   

Monitoring summary 

UKEF attended first monitoring visit along with IESC in May 2023. Some incidents reported. UKEF attending fourth monitoring visit in July with IESC.

15. Uganda 

15.1 Project: Construction and operation of solar water irrigation pumping systems (Nexus Green) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety   

Monitoring summary 

Annual monitoring report received and reviewed.

16. Ukraine 

16.1 Project: Reconstruction and operation of six bridges. 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Emergency planning and response 

  • Explosive remnants of war 

  • Traffic management and road safety 

  • Health and safety 

Monitoring summary 

Awaiting first 6-monthly self-monitoring report.

17. UAE 

17.1 Project: Construction and operation of the Avenue retail development, Phase II 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety   

Monitoring summary 

Annual monitoring report received and reviewed.

17.2 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai Parks 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety   

Monitoring summary 

No E&S incidents reported.

17.3 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai World Trade Centre, Phase I 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety   

Monitoring summary 

Annual monitoring report received and reviewed.

17.4 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai World Trade Centre, Phase II 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

  • Waste management    

Monitoring summary 

Annual monitoring report received and reviewed.

17.5 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai World Trade Centre, Phase III 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

Monitoring summary 

Annual reports received and reviewed.

17.6 Project: Construction and operation of a mixed use development on Bluewaters Island  

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

  • Waste management  

Monitoring summary 

 No E&S incidents reported. Low risk as it is operational.

17.7 Project: Construction and operation of the Al-Barsha residential blocks 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

 No E&S incidents reported. Low risk as the project is operational.

17.8 Project: Construction and operation of residential units (Plot 35) 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

Monitoring summary 

No E&S incidents reported. Low risk as the project is operational.

17.9 Project: Construction and operation of Bee’ah head office 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches 


Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

First operations phase self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

17.10 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai Arena 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Contractor management 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

No E&S incidents reported. Low risk as it is in operations phase.

17.11 Project: Construction and operation of Dubai World Trade Centre, Phase IV 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles  


Buyer Credit Guarantee / Direct Lending  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise and air quality 

  • Waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Annual report received and reviewed.

17.12 Project: Construction of a new hotel in Dubai 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles  


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions 

  • Health and safety 

  • Biodiversity 

  • Noise and air quality 

Monitoring summary 

Self-monitoring report received and reviewed. Operations E&S management plans under development and review.

18. United Kingdom 

18.1 Project: Construction and operation of a facility for the manufacturing of high voltage subsea cables for offshore wind farms 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

Equator Principles  


Export Development Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Occupational health and safety

  • Management of third-party contractors and suppliers

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management

  • Water and energy resources

  • Community engagement

  • Community health, safety and security

  • Emergency planning and response and 

  • Biodiversity

Monitoring summary 

Monitoring report received and reviewed.

18.2 Project: Construction and operation of a facility for the development of a monopile manufacturing centre in Teeside, UK. 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

Equator Principles  


Export Development Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Labour and working conditions, including occupational health and safety

  • Management of third-party contractors and suppliers

  • Grievance mechanisms

  • Noise, vibrations, dust and air emissions

  • Hazardous materials, waste and drainage management

  • Water and energy resources

  • Emergency planning and response

Monitoring summary 

Construction self-monitoring report received and reviewed.

19. Zambia 

19.1 Project: Design, construction, equipping and operation of three hospitals and 108 health centres 

Year of issue 


Applicable ESHR risk framework 

OECD Common Approaches  


Buyer Credit Guarantee  

Project Phase 


Key risks 

  • Health and safety 

  • Noise quality  

  • Wastewater and waste management 

Monitoring summary 

Construction monitoring reports received and reviewed. Operations-phase management plans received and reviewed. Operations phase self-monitoring reports for the mini-hospitals in operations for a year or more are overdue.