eSourcing tool: guidance for suppliers
How to register and respond to tenders and further competitions using the Crown Commercial Service’s eSourcing tool.
The supplier guidance document provides information on how to find and respond to tender opportunities for suppliers of all sizes, including small businesses.
The bidder guidance covers tasks such as:
- how to express an interest
- how to send a message
- how to upload and download attachments
- how to check that your bid response has been uploaded
For additional support on the eSourcing tool please email
Register for access or log in to the eSourcing tool. You can also book a webex training session
Updates to this page
Update eSourcing tool: guidance for suppliers doc
Updated the bidder guidance document
Updated bidder guidance
The guidance and documents related to the legacy Emptoris sourcing platform have been removed.
We updated the bidder guidance document with a newer version.
Updated guidance for the Jaggaer system
A guide for the new eSourcing system for bidders has been added to the top of the documents list.
New supplier How Do I uploaded
New 'How To' guide added
Updated quick guide to bidder tasks document
Removed out of date How Do I guide
updated eSourcing tool guidance for suppliers
Updated guidance documents.
Added quick guides to admin and bidder tasks.
replaced guidance for suppliers docs A and B for updated versions.
First published.