Prepare for Brexit if you provide further education and training or employ apprentices
What further education and training providers and businesses that employ apprentices, in England, should do to get ready for Brexit.
Applies to England
Preparations that organisations and businesses should make for Brexit.
It is for:
- further education (FE) and training providers
- sixth-form colleges
- apprenticeship providers
- traineeship providers
- businesses in the UK employing apprentices or trainees
Updates to this page
Added information about the EU Settlement Scheme status checker and managing allergens when making changes to catering. Further formatting changes have been made to highlight actions that people need to take.
Format updates have been made to highlight actions that people need to take. A link has also been added that allows people to sign up for email alerts to get the latest information about Brexit.
Updated information for further education institutions and apprenticeship providers in England on how to prepare for Brexit.
First published.