
EU Settlement Scheme: letter from Kevin Foster MP to the Director for Children’s Services - accessible version

Published 29 June 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Kevin Foster MP
Minister for Future Borders and Immigration
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF

28 June 2021

Dear Director for Children’s Services

EU Settlement Scheme: applications for eligible looked-after children and care leavers

As we approach the 30 June deadline, I would like to thank you for all the efforts your authority has made in this important area and ask you to ensure an application in any remaining cases is made as soon as possible.

To monitor progress with this important work, the Home Office carried out a further survey earlier this year. The survey sought to gather further insight as to the progress LAs are making in supporting and submitting those applications. I am very grateful for the 100% response rate the survey received.

As of 23 April 2021, applications had been submitted by or for 2,440 (67%) of the 3,660 looked-after children and care leavers identified by the survey as eligible to apply. This is good progress on the previous survey and I know this work is continuing.

Home Office support for this work continues to be readily available. LAs can contact the Home Office directly and speak to trained EUSS caseworkers on a dedicated number. Any aspect of the EUSS can be discussed, be it a specific case or a wider issue. The number to contact is 0300 790 0566.

Specific guidance on the EUSS for LAs remains available.

In respect of those looked-after children for whom the LA does not have parental responsibility, the LA has a responsibility to share information about the EUSS with such children and their parents, signposting relevant support where needed. This includes the network of 72 organisations across the UK grant-funded by the Home Office with £22 million through to 30 September 2021 to help vulnerable and hard to reach groups apply to the EUSS.

I would like to thank you for your continued support for this work and for all the efforts being made to support eligible looked-after children and care leavers in applying to the EUSS and securing their rights in the UK.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Foster MP

Minister for Future Borders and Immigration