European Structural and Investment Funds eligibility documents
Eligibility documents for the 2014 to 2020 European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund.
European Structural and Investment Funds Growth programme is funding for projects that create jobs and supports local growth. The funds include:
- the European Social Fund
- the European Regional Development Fund
- part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development helps with improving the environment and improving farming and forestry competitiveness. It also supports rural businesses to grow and expand, improve knowledge and skills and get started. Read more information and access documents on this fund.
Read more on the European Structural and Investment Funds.
Updates to this page
Version 9 of the ERDF Eligibility Guidance has been published. Changes include incorporating new guidance on undertakings in difficulty and also changes to the Common Provisions Regulation EU 1303/2013, following the issue of Regulation EU 2018/1046 .
Revised 'European Social Fund data evidence requirements - eligibility and results', now version 3.
ERDF Eligibility Guidance has been updated to version 8. The changes to this version are in the section covering Capital Expenditure - Contingencies (page 17) to clarify the process for grant recipients calculating and claiming the cost of contingencies and the section covering Hourly Rates (page 30: bullet points) to clarify that a project staff member does not need to meet all four criteria to be required to complete time sheets.
ERDF Eligibility Guidance has been updated to version 7. The new version provides clarity on simplified costs options.
Revised version of the national eligibility rules (version 7).
The ERDF Eligibility Guidance has been updated to version 6.
The ESF National Eligibility Rules have been updated to show additional information on small purchases.
ESF national eligibility rules has been updated to version 5, details of what has changed is summarised on the front page of the document.
First published.