
European Structural and Investment Funds programme guidance

Programme guidance documents for the 2014 to 2020 European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund.


Branding and publicity requirements for the 2014 to 2020 European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund

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Selection criteria for the 2014 to 2020 European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund

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ESIF gender equality and equal opportunities mainstreaming plan

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Guidance on identifying, managing and monitoring conflicts of interest with ERDF and ESF

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Conflicts of interest statement of requirements for Intermediate Bodies

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Logos, press notices and poster templates relating to branding and publicity guidance

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European Structural and Investment Funds Growth programme is funding for projects that create jobs and supports local growth. The funds include:

  • the European Social Fund
  • the European Regional Development Fund
  • part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development helps with improving the environment and improving farming and forestry competitiveness. It also supports rural businesses to grow and expand, improve knowledge and skills and get started. Read more information and access documents on this fund.

ERDF and ESF programmes continue to invest in projects after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. All funding must finish by the end of 2023.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2015
Last updated 15 December 2020 show all updates
  1. The ERDF and ESF Selection Criteria was updated to version 2 on 15 December 2020. The document has been amended to provide details on the requirement for projects to present clear evidence that it contributes to the needs / opportunities identified in the Call for Proposals or Application Invitation to which it is responding and the achievement of the specific objectives, outputs and results of the relevant priority axes set out in the Operational Programme.

  2. ERDF and ESF documents moved to own programme guidance related pages

  3. ESIF Branding and Publicity Requirements have been updated to version 8 to include an additional requirement for ERDF projects only regarding the acknowledgement of domestic funding. This relates to projects that have received ERDF funding with a Grant Funding Agreement drafted on or after 1 August 2019 (Version 13 for Capital GFA and version 11 for Revenue GFA and subsequent version), including ERDF projects with an extension for 1 year or more only (Version 2 of Funding Agreement Variation and subsequent versions).

  4. The ESF Scoring Framework has been updated to explain how it applies to the Single-Stage Full Application process.

  5. ERDF Priority Axis 4 Guidance has been updated to version 5.

  6. The ESF Scoring Framework has been updated, additional narrative has been added to clarify that the use of the numerical scores does not apply for some types of ESF Project applications

  7. Revised version of the ESF cross cutting themes Guidance, updated to version 3. This version corrects references to sustainable development and equality.

  8. The ESIF Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Mainstreaming Plan has been added.

  9. The Cross-Cutting Themes Guidance for European Social Fund (Sustainable Development and Equality) has been updated.

  10. ERDF General Example Timesheet updated with version 2 to amend formatting issues.

  11. ERDF Priority Axis 4 guidance has been updated.

  12. Branding and publicity guidance has been amended to include information on YEI posters and community-led local development project publicity.

  13. The ESF Scoring Framework has been updated to version 5. The main changes are a new scoring criteria and a number of layout changes.

  14. ESF Operating Policy has been updated with a minor update to ensure it is clear this document is applicable to both Outline and Full Applications.

  15. Published a revised version of the ESF underperformance methodology (version 4).

  16. Published a revised version of the European Social Fund scoring framework (version 4, dated 17/01/2017). It has been updated to make it clear that it relates to Funding Calls only. Also revised version of the ESF underperformance policy (version 4, dated 17 January 2017) This now includes a link to appendix 2 (underperformance methodology).

  17. Published The European Social Fund underperformance methodology and a revised version of the European Social Fund programme 2014 to 2020 guidance on state aid. This has been updated to correct a broken link - still version 1 (14 November 2016).

  18. Version 5 of the ERDF Eligibility Guidance updated on 11 January 2017

  19. ERDF Counter Fraud Policy updated to version 2 on 16 December 2016.

  20. Published revised ESF 2014-2020 programme guidance (version 2, December 2016).

  21. The ESIF National Procurement Requirements has been published and Procurement Aide Memoire for Applicants and Grant Recipents has been updated.

  22. The ERDF and ESF Performance Management Strategy Guidance has been added.

  23. ESF 2014-2020 - Guidance on State Aid has been added.

  24. ESIF Branding and Publicity Requirements has been updated to version 6.

  25. Added 'Responsibilities of ESF beneficiaries in the prevention and detection of fraud in ESF projects' (version 1).

  26. The following documents have been added or updated on this page: ERDF Counter Fraud Policy (v1) ERDF Eligibility Guidance (v4) ERDF Priority 4 Guidance (v3) One the Spot Verification Visit Guidance for ERDF Financial Instruments (v1)

  27. ESIF Branding and Publicity Requirements updated to version 5. ESF Underperformance Policy updated to version 3.

  28. ESIF Branding and Publicity Requirements document has been updated.

  29. Added guidance for Member States on the selection of bodies implementing financial instruments.

  30. Published a revised European Social Fund Scoring Framework (version 3).

  31. Revised version of the ESF underperformance policy (version 2) published.

  32. ESF Data Evidence requirements - eligibility and results guidance v2 added.

  33. New ESF data evidence requirements - eligibility and results guidance added.

  34. Guidance on document retention including electronic data exchange, for the 2014-2020 ESF projects has been published.

  35. New European Social Fund Scoring Framework added for applications made against calls published from 24 March 2016 onwards. In addition have republished version 1 of the European Social Fund scoring framework with a revised document title of 'ESF scoring framework- relevant to calls published prior to 24 March 2016'.

  36. ESF programme guidance added.

  37. Updated procurement guidance to reflect the new procurement thresholds that came into force from 1st January 2016. Some clarity has also been provided in Chapter 6 to set out when the Treaty Principles and National Rules apply

  38. European Social Fund national eligibility rules updated to provide clarification on indirect costs.

  39. Supplementary guidance for Community Led Local Development moved to Community Led Local Development page. ESF Eligibility Rules updated.

  40. Funding agreement, community led local development and output indicator documents moved to separate pages

  41. Added information on Community Led Local Development: Use of ‘Lump Sum’ Simplified Costs Methodology for Phase 1 European Social Fund project activity.

  42. Added output and result indicator definitions guidance for ESF.

  43. Revised Funding Agreement for the European Social Fund

  44. ESF Eligibility Rules have been revised and published. The Operating Policy for ESF Applications and the Example ESF Funding Agreement has also been added.

  45. Supplementary Guidance for Community Led Local Development and the Guidance for development of Community Led Local Development Strategies for the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund has been published.

  46. Output Indicator Definitions Guidance document for the 2014 to 2020 European Regional Development Fund in England added

  47. First published.

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