European Structural and Investment Funds: useful resources
List of beneficiaries and glossary for organisations running European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund projects.
View a list of projects supported by HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) as part of the European Social Fund.
View a list of projects support by Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) as part of the European Social Fund.
European Structural and Investment Funds Growth programme is funding for projects that create jobs and supports local growth. The funds includes the European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund and part of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development helps with improving the environment, improving farming and forestry competitiveness, supports rural businesses to grow and expand, improve knowledge and skills and get started. Read information and access documents on this fund.
Find out more about the Local Enterprise Partnerships and read the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds EU regulations.
ERDF and ESF programmes continue to invest in projects after the transition period ended on 31 December 2020. All funding must finish by the end of 2023.
Keep in touch
The ESF and ERDF Managing Authorities produce different communications that you can sign up to:
The information you supply when signing up to receive one of the bulletins will be used solely for the distribution of that bulletin.
Please read the DWP Personal Information Charter for further information about how we will use personal data.
Updates to this page
New Version created.
List of Beneficiaries attachment updated by European Social Fund.
Correction to List of Beneficiaries document
Update to ESF List of Beneficiaries attachment
The European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund list of beneficiaries has been updated with ESF information.
updated version of beneficiaries list published, with new ERDF data
Updated version of ESIF List of Beneficiaries, with new ESF data included.
updated version of beneficiaries list published, with new ERDF data
Updated version of ESIF List of Beneficiaries, with new ESF data included.
Updated version of ESIF list of beneficiaries, with new ERDF data included
Updated the ESIF list of beneficiaries to contain latest ESF projects.
The ESIF list of beneficiaries has been updated to contain latest ERDF projects
The ERDF and ESF List of Beneficiaries has been updated to include latest ESF projects supported.
The ERDF and ESF List of Beneficiaries has been updated to include latest ESF projects supported.
The ERDF and ESF List of Beneficiaries has been updated to include latest ERDF projects supported.
The List of Beneficiaries has been updated.
List of beneficiaries has been updated.
ESIF specific documents found here only - ERDF and ESF specific documents moved to relevant pages
ERDF State Aid list of beneficiaries updated on 3 September 2019.
The European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund List of Beneficiaries has been updated.
Latest version of the ERDF State Aid list of projects has been published.
Updated the list of ERDF and ESF beneficiaries.
Interactive map removed
Added the European Social Fund: Annual Implementation Report 2017.
ERDF State Aid list of projects has been updated.
Updated the List of Beneficiaries with ERDF and ESF information.
Information added about the DWP Personal Information Charter
Added links for signing up to the ESF and ERDF managing authorities communications.
Added the European Social Fund Annual Implementation Report 2016.
The list detailing ERDF projects who fall under the State Aid schemes has been updated.
Updated the ESIF list of beneficiaries with ERDF project information.
Updated the ESIF list of beneficiaries.
New page created for case study booklets
Updated posters added to European logos, press notice and poster templates file. These now include posters for projects receiving YEI.
ERDF and ESF list of beneficiaries has been updated.
European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 Case Study Booklet has been updated
European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 Case Study Booklet has been added.
European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund list of beneficiaries has been updated as at February 2017
Version 1 of the ERDF State Aid list of projects published. List shows ERDF projects with individual State Aid GBER awards of over €500,000.
Interactive map has been updated to match list of beneficiaries
New documents added: Quick Reference Guide - Differences between the 2007 - 2013 ERDF Programme and the 2014 - 2020 ERDF Programme and 2014 to 2020 ERDF Case Study Booklet.
ERDF and ESF list of beneficiaries updated.
European Social Fund list of beneficiaries has been updated, and now includes information up to 14 September 2016.
First published.