Electric vehicle chargepoint and infrastructure grants for landlords

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What you can get

There are 2 grants you can get for installing chargepoints for electric vehicles at a property you own:

  • an electric vehicle chargepoint grant (EV chargepoint grant)
  • an electric vehicle infrastructure grant (EV infrastructure grant)

You can use an infrastructure grant and a chargepoint grant on the same property.

There’s a different way to apply for an EV chargepoint grant if you’re living in a rented or leased flat.

EV chargepoint grant

An EV chargepoint grant gives you money off the cost of installing an electric vehicle chargepoint socket.

You can get either £350 or 75% off the cost to buy and install a socket, whichever amount is lower.

Each financial year, you can get up to:

  • 200 grants for residential properties
  • 100 grants for commercial properties

These can be across several properties and installations or for one property.

EV infrastructure grant

An EV infrastructure grant gives you money off the cost of wider building and installation work that’s needed to install multiple chargepoint sockets.

The work can be for sockets you want to install now and in the future. For example, an EV infrastructure grant can cover things like wiring and posts.

You can get up to £30,000 or 75% off the cost of the work. The amount depends on how many parking spaces the work covers.

You can get up to 30 infrastructure grants each financial year.

Each infrastructure grant must be used for a different property.