Evaluation of the Changing Futures programme
The evaluation aims to understand the impact of the Changing Futures programme on people experiencing multiple disadvantage. It also aims to examine how changes at a wider system level affect the way services operate and are delivered.
Applies to England
The Changing Futures evaluation uses a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data. A series of reports will be published over its course.
The fourth interim report from the Changing Futures evaluation examines individual, service and system level outcomes achieved after the programme has been running for approximately two and a half years. It focuses on the participant journey and how areas are working to reach and effectively support people from under-served or marginalised groups who are experiencing multiple disadvantage. The findings draw on a range of data collected up to May 2024, including quantitative data, qualitative research and a survey of local stakeholders. Most analysis on individual level outcomes roughly covers participants’ first year on the programme.
The Changing Futures caseworkers deep dive presents the evidence and insights from research exploring the role and experiences of multiple disadvantage caseworkers within the Changing Futures programme.
The third interim report from the Changing Futures evaluation examines individual, service and system level outcomes achieved after the programme has been running for approximately 2 years. It particularly focuses on trauma-informed approaches and how areas are joining up support for people. The findings draw on a range of data collected up to October 2023, including quantitative data, qualitative research and a survey of local stakeholders. Most analysis on individual level outcomes covers roughly the first 6 months participants are on the programme.
The second interim report is the second report from the Changing Futures evaluation. Building on the baseline report, it presents an early indication of progress towards individual and service-level outcomes and further investigates the characteristics of the cohort of people engaged with the programme. It also explores how funded areas are seeking to address systems change in relation to commissioning. The findings draw a range of data collection gathered up to April 2023, including quantitative data, qualitative research and social network analysis.
The rapid evidence assessment on understanding domestic abuse interventions for women experiencing multiple disadvantage summarises the evidence on the most effective interventions that help women experiencing multiple disadvantage to get support that addresses the risks and effects of domestic abuse.
The baseline report is the first report from the Changing Futures evaluation and provides a baseline assessment at the start of the programme. The report draws on activities completed up to October 2022, including analysis of quantitative data on programme delivery and programme participants; a survey of local stakeholders; and system mapping.
The rapid evidence assessment on trauma-informed approaches summarises the evidence on the benefits of taking a trauma-informed approach and understand what factors can enable or prevent a service or system from working in a trauma-informed way.
The rapid evidence assessment on frontline support models summarises the evidence on the benefits and effectiveness of the most widely recognised frontline support models, practices and approaches in supporting people experiencing multiple disadvantage.
The feasibility study was commissioned in early 2021 to inform the design of the evaluation. This report outlines the findings, a discussion of possible options for the evaluation, and recommendations for the methodology and design.
Updates to this page
Added Evaluation of the Changing Futures programme: fourth interim report; added The role of Changing Futures caseworkers: a deep dive.
Added Evaluation of the Changing Futures programme: third interim report.
Added the Evaluation of the Changing Futures programme: second interim report; added Rapid evidence assessment on understanding domestic abuse interventions for women experiencing multiple disadvantage.
First published.