Evaluation of the Employment and Reoffending Pilot: Lessons learnt from the planning and early implementation phase
The Employment and Reoffending Pilot was co-commissioned by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), as part of a planned programme of pilots to test the application of payment by results (PbR) approaches in the area of criminal justice.
The evaluation of the Employment and Reoffending Pilot aims to draw out lessons learned from its design, development, implementation and delivery, including any reasons for the results it achieves, providing valuable learning to inform the implementation of Transforming Rehabilitation. This report contains findings from the first phase of the evaluation, covering the set-up and first six months of operation of the pilot.
Annex D - Topic Guides used in the Employment and Reoffending Pilot Evaluation is published as a separated document alongside this report.