Independent report

Evaluation on Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) Programme

Analyses the results achieved to date, the programme’s theory of change, and the challenges and successes in making a complex anti-corruption and governance programme such as STACA work.



This evaluation shows that STACA has already proven its relevance and has been effective in reaching a number of key self-defined performance indicators such as an increase in conviction rates. However, the programme has not been effective in reaching its main outcome: better processing of criminal cases between the different law enforcement institutions in Tanzania.

Some decisions involving the management of the programme lowered its efficiency. It is premature to fully assess the sustainability and impact of the programme when most activities have been in implementation mode for only 2-3 years, and the indications vary across cases. However, if the recommendations provided below are followed, STACA has the potential to bring about meaningful and sustainable impact in the fight against corruption in Tanzania. For that to happen, the theory of change needs revision, and more management and expert support needs to be supplied to ensure that it is implemented according to plan.

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Published 30 June 2016
Last updated 27 October 2016 show all updates
  1. DFID management response to Strengthening Tanzania's anti-coruption action programme added

  2. First published.

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