Evidence projects register
Updated 21 January 2025
Listed below are MMO led evidence projects. Where there is not a link to the report, please contact evidence@marinemanagement.org.uk if you want more information. Partnership projects published elsewhere are also available.
1. On-going
Title | Description | ||
Marine Conservation Impact Evaluation {MMO1421} | The evaluation considers the social, economic and ecological impacts of four byelaws in four MPAs. Three case studies are West of Walney MCZ, Haisborough Hammond and Winterton SAC and Start Point to Eddystone SAC and the implementation of bottom towed gear byelaws. One case study is Studland Bay and the implementation of Voluntary No Anchor Zone. | ||
Enhancing Seafood Traceability: Solutions and Industry Challenges {MMO1425} | This project reviews the research on seafood traceability that has been undertaken by the MMO to date and summarises case studies where traceability has been improved in real world settings from the UK as well as internationally. The aim is to provide information on how traceability in the English seafood sector could be improved. | ||
Understanding the impacts of different sized fishing gears on MPA features and the spatial footprint of static gear {MMO1407} | This project seeks to investigate the impacts of towed fishing gears of different sizes on MPA seabed features, whereby lighter gears may potentially cause smaller impacts. The results will be used to inform management measures. The project will also gather data on the spatial footprint of static gears used by fishers and investigate the potential relationship with vessel size. | ||
Wrasse Complex Fisheries Management Plan and Sea Bream Fisheries Management Plan {MMO1434} | This project is a literature review and evaluation of current and potential future fisheries management practices for five wrasse and two bream species. The findings will improve the understanding of wrasse and bream species in English waters to support the development of the Wrasse complex and Bream FMPs. | ||
Feasibility of a Potential Emergent Octopus fishery {MMO1440} | This project seeks to investigate the potential viability of a targeted octopus fishery in South West England and explore potential management measures associated with any such fishery. | ||
Fisheries co-existence toolkit {MMO1429} | This project will work with industry and fishers to develop a toolkit for engagement. It will be piloted in the south west and through the Regional Fisheries Groups, develop a detailed toolkit covering the different types of fishing and gear used, who needs to be engaged and how, when considering development in the marine area. | ||
Local decision making {MMO1432} | Building on MMO1375, this pilot project intends on bringing together existing work and expertise in local decision-making as well as considering the issues that could be addressed and the stakeholders that need to be involved will be our focus. We will also be considering how any pilot could be scaled up to be delivered in other areas of England. | ||
Consideration of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in Marine Licensing {MMO1388} | This project seeks to consider the evaluability of the marine licensing system, and, dependent on this, whether processes could enable and scale up Nature Based Solution (NBS), subject to Ministerial direction. | ||
Livelihood adaptation in fisheries and social resilience – a literature review and conceptual framework { MMO1416} | This project examined the social impacts of management changes on fishers, their families and communities. Published literature was reviewed to distil current understanding of how and why fishers adapt their livelihoods and implications for resilience and sustainability. A conceptual framework was developed and a small number of interviews undertaken. | ||
Marine Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment decision-making infographics {MMO1353} | This is a project to produce visual outputs that allow users to explore the decision-making process for a set of key decisions that have a large influence on the marine environment. | ||
Perceptions and insights in the Fishing industry and MMO {MMO1342} | This project seeks to better understand its stakeholder’ perceptions to ensure all views are represented in equal measure and that all decisions taken are fair and equitable. | ||
Co-existence case studies {MMO1338} | To undertake a review of existing co-existence evidence and produce a matrix of interactions and the extent to which displacement may occur and how this can be applied in policy. | ||
Marine Planning Learning and Development {MMO1332} | To independently review the Marine Planning evaluation process to support statutory reporting requirements. This includes the implementation of a training programme under MMO1443. | ||
Seafood Traceability 2 {MMO1329} | A series of projects looking at the importance of traceability, mapping supply chains and looking at technology to link fish and data. | ||
Displacement of Seabirds, Waterfowl and Waders by Marine Activities {MMO1166} | This report conducted a systematic and comprehensive academic and grey literature review collating evidence for displacement and habituation for seven activity classes (30 sub-classes) and nine seabird taxonomic groups (38 species). | ||
Recreational Anchoring and Mooring in Marine Protected Areas and the Potential of Eco-Moorings for Mitigation of Impacts {MMO1165} | This report seeks to analyse and report on the potential impacts of recreational anchoring and mooring in marine protected areas and the potential for eco-moorings to mitigate such impacts. | ||
Enabling a Natural Capital Approach in Development of Marine Plans: A Pilot Study {MMO1288} | Explores how to show the extent and value of the different aspects of natural capital (ecosystem assets and services) in a marine plan area, in terms of the contribution of NC to achieving policy priorities for that area. The East marine plan areas is used for this pilot study, which brings together expertise and evidence from MMO, Cefas, NE, EA and the JNCC. | ||
Theory of change and action plan for evolving MMO’s Fisheries Management function into one that is world leading in its approach {MMO1282} | Establish a framework setting out how MMO can evolve into a world class fisheries manager by incorporating sustainable fisheries management, adaptive management, and integrating science and management processes | ||
Traceability technologies in fisheries {MMO1265} | Exploring potential traceability technologies through engagement, existing use case studies and technology trials |
2. Completed in 2024
Title | Description | |
Evaluation of conservation byelaws {MMO1347} | A project to design and implement a comprehensive evaluation framework of the 3 year Marine Protected Area Fisheries and Conservation Strategy. | |
Socio-economic Baseline for the east marine plan areas {MMO1381} | This project seeks to provide a socio-economic baseline review of the marine sectors and coastal communities of the east marine plan areas, to inform the next iteration of the East Marine Plan and manage the resources and activities in the area. | |
Spatial distribution of under 12m fishing activity and sensitivity to offshore wind development in the east marine plan areas {MMO1382} | This project responds to an evidence gap on the lack of high spatial resolution fishing activity data for the under-12 meter (<12m) fleet. It focuses on the east marine plan areas given the upcoming replacement of the East Marine Plan and the need to understand the spatial distribution of activities occurring in the areas. | |
Impact evaluation framework for Lyme Bay fisheries management measures {MMO1414} | This project seeks to collect baseline data and develop evaluation framework to be used for future evaluations in assessing the impacts of the Lyme Bay fisheries new management measures. | |
Identifying opportunities to enhance effectiveness of marine plan use engagement {MMO1333} | This project seeks an assessment of current practice effectiveness to identify opportunities to enhance Marine Plan implementation support. | |
Fisher Engagement Capacity Needs {MMO1383} | This project seeks to improve the way MMO engages with the fishing industry by analysing the barriers to engagement with the government through a behavioural approach. | |
Fisher to Fisher Engagement {MMO1389} | This project seeks to understand the existing structures in the UK fishing sector and how to overcome barriers to fisher-to-fisher engagement, in order for the MMO to increase participatory capacity and move towards improved representation of the inshore sector in fisheries management. | |
Exploring the challenges, opportunities and barriers to local decision making in the context of marine planning {MMO1375} | This project explores the potential for nested, multi-level marine plans in England. It looks at previous and current examples of local decision-making and sets out a roadmap for delivery of a local marine plan pilot. | |
Process evaluation for the development of Lyme Bay fisheries management measures {MMO1406} | This project is a process evaluation for the development of Lyme Bay fisheries management measures for ICES Area 7.e sole, looking specifically at engagement and how these measures were developed. | |
Social and Economic Impact Assessments for commercial Fisheries Management Decisions {MMO1384} | This study reviewed a range of Impact Assessments relevant to commercial fisheries and developed a template and guidance for MMO to undertake social and economic impact assessments for fisheries decision-making. |
3. Completed in 2023
Title | Description |
Designing and implementation of a developmental evaluation of marine conservation management measures {MMO1289} | Designing an evaluation framework and indicators to review processes used by the MMO when producing and implementing marine conservation management measures and subsequent output impacts to examine if they are achieving the collective positive improvement expected from MPA implementation. |
The role of facilitation {MMO1280A} | This project outlines the importance of facilitation, not only as a crucial step in trialling co-management examples in fisheries management but to improve how the MMO engage with the fishing industry and ultimately work towards achieving MMO’s vision. |
Developing Network Analysis to Support Participatory Approaches {MMO1341} | This project seeks to explore methods that can be used to improve the MMO’s understanding of the networks within fishing communities to support fair and inclusive collaborative fisheries management and participatory approaches to marine management. |
The MMO and the UK Fisheries Objectives: a framework for shared outcomes and the role of fisher agency {MMO1205A} | This project provides a logic framework to support the MMO’s strategic planning for fisheries and to guide improved monitoring and evaluation in achieving the objectives of the Fisheries Act. |
Socio-economic value of commercial fisheries {MMO1387} | This study explored existing evidence relating to social, economic and cultural outcomes from commercial fishing and to whom they accrue. The report presents a review of the literature, conceptual framework and list of suggested indicators to measure the extent to which fishing contributes to wellbeing outcomes. |
Regional Fisheries Groups Evaluation {MMO1403} | This project seeks to evaluate the Regional Fisheries Groups, set up to enable the inshore fleet and non-sector to engage with government. This study evaluation is to develop a baseline data to evaluate the processes and current working of each of the five RFGs. |
Evaluation of Fisheries Control and Enforcement {MMO1205} | A project carried out for MMO to evaluate what the effect on compliance had been from the extra resource granted to the MMO to enhance fisheries control and enforcement activity post EU-Exit 2019-2020. |
Mapping under 12m vessel fishing activity {MMO1264} | A review of different evidence sources used for mapping the distribution and intensity of under 12m fishing vessel activity in English waters. |
Remote Electronic Monitoring: Insights from implementation elsewhere {MMO1281} | Collates evidence from Canadian, US and New Zealand case studies on lessons learnt from implementing REM (remote electronic monitoring) across a range of fisheries |
A pilot for using the five capitals approach for marine plan development in the East of England {MMO1336} | This project will use the East Marine Plans to develop a methodology and pilot the application of the Five Capital Approach and how we consider and discuss priorities and trade-offs with stakeholders. |
U10m Catch limits and Lyme Bay {MMO1337} | An investigation into the impacts of an increase in sole catch limits. |
Implementing co-management {MMO1343} | The MMO commissioned this project in response to the re-design of fisheries management in the post-Brexit era. The MMO is leading the development of a roadmap for the co-management of marine resources. The roadmap seeks to address current challenges around industry engagement in England and enhance platforms and approaches to improve capacity for constructive debate and collaborative design of marine and fisheries management and policy. |
4. Completed in 2022
Title | Description |
Review of Small-eyed ray in the western Channel {MMO1297} | To collate available data on small-eyed ray (Raja microocellata; RJE) in the English Channel, in relation to their spatial distribution and proportional importance within the skate assemblage and develop a work plan for future monitoring of small-eyed ray in the western Channel. |
East Marine Plan Spatial Assessment {MMO1274} | An analysis of the capacity of the East marine plan areas to understand the if the geography can support national environmental, social and economic policies and to visualise any potential policy trade-offs. |
5. Completed in 2021
Title | Description |
Non-licensable impacts on priority MPAs {MMO1243} | To provide data on non-licensable activity to underpin priority MPA site level assessments to ensure that MMO can accurately assess impacts to MPAs and fulfil conservation objectives. |
Essential Fish Habitat validation {MMO1133} | to develop new spatially predictive essential fish habitat models nationally. Expected to continue development of previous MMO commissions however is considering other models |
6. Completed in 2020
Title | Description |
Non-lethal deterrents suitable for control of seals from fishing vessels {MMO1131} | the MMO seeks better understanding of non-lethal deterrents suitable for control of seals from fishing vessels. This project will improve understanding of seal depredation (seals eating the catch from the fishing gear) including what assists and influences the behaviour and how substantial the impacts on English fisheries. The project will: review what non-lethal measures, gear modifications or fishing tactics are currently available to reduce seal depredation and bycatch for static net fisheries at sea; clarify what impacts may result to the fishing industry, managers and seals of using such non-lethal deterrents; field test the most promising deterrent approaches. |
Mapping Sea Angling {MMO1163} | A project to develop a robust spatial map of where sea angling commonly occurs in the English marine area. |
Validating the method of fish capture - Metabolomics {MMO1164} | A project to investigate the use of metabolomics to establish how a fish was caught. |
Origin of capture of fish - Investigating the use of Genetic testing {MMO1167} | A project to investigate the use of genetics to determine where fish was originally caught. |
Origin of capture of fish – Investigating different Genetic methodologies {MMO1191} | A desk based project to investigate all the potential genetic methodologies available to establish where fish were originally caught. |
Origin of Capture of fish - Investigating the use of Isotopes {MMO1192} | A project to investigate the use of isotopic analysis to determine where fish was originally caught. |
Origin of Capture of fish - Investigating the use of Lipids {MMO1193} | A project to investigate the use of lipid profiling to determine where fish were originally caught. |
Origin of capture of fish - Investigating the use of trace elements {MMO1194} | A desk based project to investigate methods of using trace elements to determine where fish were originally caught. |
Seascapes Methodology {MMO1204} | A project to create a methodology for stakeholders to consider Seascapes quality, value and capacity to accommodate change |
7. Completed in 2019
Title | Description |
Social baseline data for Marine Planning {MMO1132} | A project to improve baseline social information and to collect additional new information to support marine plans |
Identifying sites suitable for marine habitat restoration or creation {MMO1135} | The project aimed to develop a national dataset of sites that are suitable for habitat restoration or creation. The dataset provides information to inform policy development that can help increase the amount of ecologically important habitat, where appropriate and in line with current legislation. |
Non-licensable Activity Impacts on Marine Protected Areas {MMO1136} | MMO wishes to develop a sufficiently robust evidence base on the full range and types of marine non-licensable activities, their current and potential intensity, and risk of impact on marine protected areas. |
Enhancing stakeholder engagement: Analysis of experiences and insights {MMO1152} | To gain insights from stakeholders of their awareness, understanding, experience and views of past communications and engagement in marine planning and to investigate drivers, motivations and general ability to engage in marine planning |
Implementation Mapping {MMO1155} | A project looking at how and where marine plans are being used in decision-making by public bodies |
Mapping the value of shipping {MMO1158} | A project to attempt to create spatial data to map trade flows of commercial shipping for Marine Plan policies. |
Model projections of marine environmental variables’ response to climate change within England’s south west marine plan areas {MMO1169} | Used modelling approaches to project how seawater environmental characteristics within the south west marine plan areas may change over the two decades and considers how potential changes may influence specific marine sectors and receptors. |
Evaluation of Marine Protected Area Management Measures Concerning Fishing {MMO1172} | To identify solutions that clarify and enhance compatibility between conservation objectives of MPAs and fishing including to consider examples of successful approaches or measures of managing fisheries from around the world. |
Identification of areas of aquaculture potential in English waters {MMO1184} | Literature review and spatial modelling to identify where key aquaculture species might be cultured based on environmental conditions necessary for species growth or constraining culture infrastructure. |
Mapping alterative use of dredge material in NE, NW, SE, SW {MMO1190} | A project to map opportunities for the alterative use of dredge material in NE, NW, SE, SW Marine Plan areas. |
8. Completed in 2018
Title | Description |
MMO1134 Seascapes | Seascape assessments for North East, North West, South East, South West marine plan areas |
MMO1139 Bird habituation | High-level overview of current knowledge of habituation of seabirds to disturbance impacts associated with anthropogenic marine activities. |
MMO1151 Review of marine plan monitoring indicators and their associated logic chains: review of logic models | A review of the South Marine Plan Approach to Monitoring, including the logic model contained therein and its links to policy making and monitoring, as well as the proposed indictors and indicator gaps |
9. Completed in 2017
Title | Description |
Marine Licence Review (MMO) {MMO1126} | Collate and categorise EIA/HRAs submitted to the MMO and make accessible for further use. Assess monitoring reports to examine if monitoring conditions should be updated. |
Futures for remaining plans {MMO1127} | The project reviewed the past trends and made projections for the next 6 and 20 years in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas for each marine sector in the Marine Policy Statement (MPS). It considers potential key future changes and policy directions of relevance to the sectors, using three scenarios which have been used before in the Celtic Seas Partnership futures report. The report also assesses the confidence underlying the projections for each sector. |
Valuing Nature Placement - Refinement of Aquaculture models {MMO1128} | Review MMO models for predicting potential aquaculture areas. Make recommendations for improvement in MMO models and then improve the methodology to link economic values for aquaculture potential |
Displacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas (NECR241) {MMO1130} | The number of management measures in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in England that affect the fishing sector is expected to increase in the coming years and unless managed, the resulting displacement of fishing effort could have knock-on impacts on the marine environment, on fishers and on other marine sectors. Natural England commissioned this report to help better understand the nature and impacts of any potential displacement and the findings will be used by Natural England and other partners to support the design, implementation and monitoring of management measures in MPAs. |
Managing marine recreational activities: a review of evidence (NECR242) {MMO1140} | To collate and update the evidence base on the significance of impacts from recreational activities on designated features in MPAs, carry out a review and collate case study examples of the range of management options such as codes of conduct and engage with national governing bodies for different activities to look at existing national good practice, opportunities for further work and recommendations. |
10. Completed in 2016
Title | Description |
Follow on to MMO1044 essential fish habitat modelling {MMO1096} | To get agreement from partners and stakeholders that the model can be used to idenitfy spawning and nursery areas for consideration in the planning process and incorporate any amendements and updates proposed by them. |
ME6003: Intensity and impacts of commercial and recreational anchoring and mooring on Welsh and English MPAs {MMO1113} | This project aims to improve the evidence base for anchoring and mooring impacts to allow identification of risks to sensitive features from anchoring and mooring. This will help to inform socio-economic evidence used for designation decisions and will support the development of effective management measures. It will inform statutory nature conservation bodies and marine regulators. |
Economic baseline assessment for the North East, North West, South East and South West marine plans {MMO1119} | This reports provides an economic baseline for the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas. It focuses on 15 specific sectors. |
11. Completed in 2015
Title | Description |
Val-mer (valuing marine ecosystems services in Europe) project contribution {MMO1016} | To identify and quantify the range of ecosystem services provided by the marine environment. |
High Level Review of Current UK Action Level Guidance {MMO1053} | To review the current use of the sediment action levels |
Evidence for management of potting impacts {MMO1086} | Collate current evidence and research work and develop a programme for future evidence gathering that enables management decisions to be made for potting activity in MPAs. (Project by Defra’s Impacts Evidence Group (IEG)). |
Evaluate current monitoring programme for the East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas to highlight improvements to counterfactuals if required. {MMO1087} | Evaluate current monitoring programme to highlight imrovements. |
Method to assess natural variability for inclusion in management decisions {MMO1088} | Using currently available data develop a method to assess natural variability that can be used in management advice and decisions for MPAs. |
Seascape character description marine areas 10,11 and 5 (north west) {MMO1091} | Describe the character of the South East, North East and North West Inshore and Offshore marine plan areas |
Seascape character description for two marine plan areas, north east inshore and offshore {MMO1092} | Describe seascape character for two marine plan areas, North East Inshore and Offshore |
To produce a database of ornithological impacts of offshore wind for cumulative impact assessment for consenting. This is a collaborative project headed by the DECC Coping Strategy group. {MMO1093} | To produce a database of ornithological impacts of offshore wind for cumulative impact assessment for consenting. This is a collaborative project headed by the Coping Strategy group. |
Modelled mappings of underwater noise generated by continuous activities {MMO1097} | Produce a data set, in a format usable for planning and to a time frame necessary for underpinning the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans, of underwater noise generated by activities. |
Review of industry data {MMO1098} | To provide a review of access to industry data. (Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG) project) |
Scoping the potential for environmental remediation to improve water quality in the South marine plan areas {MMO1105} | To establish evidence underpinning the idea of bioremediation in the marine environment. Establish feasibility, identify best locations and organisms, consider appetite/opportunities. This work will inform marine planning policies for the South Marine Plan area |
Stakeholder engagement to assess the economic impact of the South marine plans {MMO1106} | The project will identify available information to be used for an impact assessment, through engagement with businesses and representative organisations. The project will use this information to provide estimates of the possible costs and benefits provided by the South marine plans, including providing detail of assumptions and confidence. |
Feasibility of using a spatial footprint method in appropriate assessments. {MMO1108} | Test an IFCA developed method for measuring spatial footprint of fishing gear to include in appropriate assessments for Marine Protected Area management. (Project by Defra’s Impacts Evidence Group (IEG)). |
Sub-national plans analysis for the Southeast and Northeast plan areas {MMO1109} | The aim of the project is to provide a complete review and summary analysis of all relevant sub-national statutory and non-statutory plans that affect the South East and North East marine plan areas. The outputs of this project will form part of the evidence base for marine planning in the South East and North East, particularly in regard to socio-economic matters. |
Sub-national plans analysis for the Southwest and Northwest marine plan areas {MMO1110} | The aim of the project is to provide a complete review and summary analysis of all relevant sub-national statutory and non-statutory plans that affect the South West and North West marine plan areas. The outputs of this project will form part of the evidence base for marine planning in the South West and North West, particularly in regard to socio-economic matters. |
A screening report and Appropriate Assessment Information Report for the South marine plans Habitat Regulations Assessment {MMO1112} | The aim of this project is to undertake the Screening phase and Appropriate Assessment Information Review (AAIR) of the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the draft South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans |
12. Completed in 2014
Title | Description |
Practical framework for outlining the integration of the ecosystem approach into marine planning in England {MMO1048} | Outline a framework that demonstrates how MMO marine planning will use an ecosystem based approach. |
A strategic framework for scoping cumulative effects {MMO1055} | Develop a consistent approach to the identification and consideration of cumulative effects that can be applied at the strategic level across all relevant MMO functions. |
Fast track licensing phase 2 {MMO1056} | Follow on from MMO1018. Identify further low risk licensable marine activities suitable for use in the fast track licensing system and determine defining criteria for fast tracking these activities. |
Social impacts and interactions between marine sectors {MMO1060} | Provide MMO with a body of evidence on social impacts as an assessment of interactions within and between sectors detailed in the Marine Policy Statement (MPS). |
Method and data to monitor the social outcomes of marine plans {MMO1061} | Provide MMO with a method and data to monitor implementation of social objectives and policies of marine plans and overall plan derived social outcomes. |
Modelling marine recreation potential in England {MMO1064} | Expansion of MMO1043 Spatial trends in marine recreational activity to model areas of potential importance for marine recreation at an England scale and to review, develop and test participatory mapping tools and techniques which can be used to facilitate model validation and enhancement. |
Enhancing our understanding of seabed habitats and topographic features in the south coast inshore and offshore marine plan areas {MMO1065} | Provide MMO with the most up-to-date spatial reference data on environmental conditions and habitats on the seabed in the south coast inshore and offshore marine plan areas to facilitate the preparation and implementation of MMO’s third and fourth marine plans. |
Mapping UK shipping density and routes from AIS open source data and methods {MMO1066} | Expansion on MMO1042 Spatial trends in shipping to further develop freely available methods enabling production of UK spatial datasets on shipping activity that are endorsed by shipping industry regulators and representative bodies, UK administrations and other key stakeholders. |
Development of criteria and conditions to define exempt tracers {MMO1067} | Deliver an initial list of approved marine tracers with associated conditions for exemption, and a process by which new marine tracers can be identified as suitable for inclusion on the approved list. |
a scoping report for the south marine plans habitat regulations assessment {MMO1071} | Undertake the scoping phase of the Habitat Regulations assessment (HRA) for the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plans (South marine plans). |
Use of beneficial dredge materials in the south inshore and offshore marine plan areas {MMO1073} | Develop data and maps to describe existing sites of coastal works (replenishment, defence, creation), and future sites of requirement and opportunity in the South marine plan areas. |
Scoping the opportunities and challenges to using a core fishing grounds approach to develop a spatial marine plan policy for fishing {MMO1074} | Explore the opportunities and challenges of using a core fishing grounds approach to develop spatially explicit marine plan policies for fishing activity. |
Exploring the potential of using office of national statistics (ONS) for marine planning {MMO1075} | Improve socio-economic evidence supporting English marine plans in a cost-effective way by optimising use of limited public resources. |
Potential spatial effects of climate change in the south and east marine plan areas {MMO1077} | Use data from the UKCP09 projections and information on the current and predicted use of the south and east marine plan areas to identify which sectors are likely to be at risk to the effects of climate change. |
Guidance for marine licensing staff to support the implementation of marine planning policies for socio-economics, tourism and seascape {MMO1078} | Produce desk notes for use by MMO marine licensing staff that will support their assessment of marine licence applications against specific policies set out in the East Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans. |
13. Completed in 2013
Title | Description |
Review of post consent offshore wind farm monitoring data associated with marine licence conditions {MMO1031} | Review the post-consent monitoring data collected from offshore wind farm (OWF) developments in order to provide a synthesis of the evidence associated with observed environmental impacts, and make recommendations for maximising the effectiveness of future monitoring. (Defra funded project) |
Feeder report to inform MMO climate change adaptation report {MMO1033} | Collate and present information to support MMO in producing a climate change adaptation report, as required under the Climate Change Act 2008. |
Updated bird distribution and sensitivity {MMO1034} | Produce an assessment of seabird density around English waters in combination with a review of the relative sensitivity of each species to offshore developments.(Joint project with Natural England) |
Social impacts of fisheries, aquaculture, recreation and tourism and marine protected areas in marine plan areas in England {MMO1035} | Increase our understanding of social impacts and value of some marine activities included in marine planning and other MMO functions. Identify key knowledge gaps. |
Character assessment for the south inshore and south offshore marine plan areas {MMO1037} | Provide a seascape character assessment for the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas in England. |
Compilation of information on tourism relevant to marine planning in the south inshore and south offshore marine plan areas {MMO1038} | Provide an assessment of tourism information for the South marine plan areas to support marine planning. |
Review of the past trends and projections for the next 6 and 20 years for industry sectors in the south marine plan areas {MMO1039} | Produce evidence on the nature and scale of the future development of each marine policy statement sector. In developing marine plans, |
Spatial trends in aquaculture potential in the south and east coast inshore and offshore marine plan areas {MMO1040} | Spatially delineate areas that have potential for future aquaculture development in MMO’s South and East coast inshore and offshore marine plan areas and assign an estimate of the potential economic return of aquaculture development in these areas. |
Spatial trends in shipping activity with a focus on MMO south marine plan areas {MMO1042} | Create spatial data products which describe spatial trends in shipping activity throughout England to provide a national context to marine planning decisions made at a plan area scale. |
Spatial trends in marine recreational activity (with a specific focus on MMO south inshore and south offshore marine plan areas) {MMO1043} | Create or enhance data which describes spatial trends in recreational activity throughout England. |
Spatial models of essential fish habitat (South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas) {MMO1044} | Improve the spatial resolution of data on essential fish habitats (including nursery and spawning sites and routes for migration and movement) for key commercial species in the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas. |
Scoping of a robust strategic assessment tool for co-location of activities in marine plan areas. {MMO1049} | Scope the potential to develop a robust and flexible assessment tool for co-location. The tool will consider physical, environmental and socio-economic variables to help deliver effective decisions relating to co-location of sectors/activities within all marine plan areas. |
Economic baseline assessment of the south coast {MMO1050} | Provide background information for the South Inshore and South Offshore marine plan areas, primarily to inform the economic assessment for the development of the plans. |
Future Trends in Fishing and Aquaculture in the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas {MMO1051} | Provide an analysis of fishing and aquaculture trends in England using currently available evidence. This will be used in the development of scenarios for marine plans which span 20 years and complement trends information relating to the other listed Marine Policy Statement sectors. |
14. Completed in 2012
Title | Description |
Socio economic research on coastal communities {MMO1001} | Understanding of the potential for Marine Planning to facilitate socio-economic opportunities for communities on the coast. |
The effects of flash photography on seahorses {MMO1005b} | Review of current best-available evidence regarding the potential impact of flash photography on UK seahorse species.Establish whether sufficient evidence exists to conclusively determine whether the use of flash photography poses a significant threat to the UK seahorse species. |
Evaluation of the current state of knowledge on potential cumulative effects from offshore wind farms (OWF) to inform marine planning and licensing {MMO1009} | To provide as comprehensive an evidence base as possible to inform the potential cumulative effects from OWF developments and other major marine development in light of current and future policy drivers. |
Evaluation of the potential for co-location of activities and interests in marine plan areas {MMO1010} | To provide a comprehensive evidence base to inform the opportunities for co-locating current and future activities in Marine Plan areas, with specific emphasis on the East of England. |
Evaluating the distribution trends and value of inshore and offshore fisheries in England {MMO1011} | To collate existing information to identify best available evidence on the nature, location, trends, and socio-economic value of all fishing activities carried out in English Waters, to inform the development of Marine Plans. |
A review of marine social and economic data and review of tools and methods to apply marine social and economic data to decision making {MMO1012} | To identify, collate and analyse socio-economic data and tools to identify current trends and data gaps and propose recommendations for addressing these. (Joint project with Marine Scotland). |
Compilation of spatial data on marine recreational activities {MMO1013} | To compile all available data on the spatial distribution of marine recreational activities in England. |
Recommendations on the use of habitats maps in the planning process and requirements for future planning areas Compilation and confidence assessment of seabed habitat data {MMO1014} | To enhance the current information available on seabed habitats, particularly for priority areas such as the East Inshore and Offshore areas, to support marine planning and licensing. |
Marine mammal spatial data collation and interpretation {MMO1022} | An in-depth understanding of marine mammal distribution within the East Coast of England. |
Review of marine aggregate regional environmental assessments (MAREA) {MMO1028} | Review the outstanding regional environmental assessments (REAs) and co-ordinate a review by MMO’s primary advisors to deem REAs appropriate for inclusion in site-specific environmental impact assessments. |