
Partnership projects published elsewhere

Updated 21 January 2025

Listed below are partnerships projects supported by the MMO. Where there is not a link to the report, please contact if you want more information. MMO led projects can be found in MMO’s Evidence projects register.

1. Ongoing

Title Description Lead Organisation
Seal Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology Trials {MMO1263} Further at sea trials of Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology to deter seal depredation in fisheries  
Well-being at the coast: Maximising the Socio-cultural Benefits of England’s Seascape {MMO1251} developing an approach for drawing out more explicitly the well-being dimensions of seascapes by introducing a natural capital approach to sea scape analysis and thus providing a stronger evidence base for marine and coastal planning authorities. University of Liverpool
Fisheries Management Plans extension (MMO1258) This project is to provide some of the underpinning evidence that allows Defra to identify and prioritise the stocks likely to benefit from, and be priority for, Fisheries Monitoring Plans. Defra
Evidence collation for Fisheries Management Plans development {MMO1247} to provide initial evidence contributing to development and prioritisation of Fisheries Management Plans in England. Defra

2. Completed 2024

Title Description Lead Organisation
Engagement experiences {1277} - GOV.UK ( A project looking to understand the engagement between MMO/Natural England and Stakeholders. Natural England & MMO

3. Completed 2023

Title Description Lead Organisation
Regulatory decision making to enable marine Nature Based Solutions {MMO1246} will identify what practical interventions can be made by regulators when discharging regulatory or other statutory duties to enable a significant increase in delivery of nature-based solutions that address climate (and biodiversity) impacts in England. Defra
Enhancing the fishing gear-MPA feature interactions database {MMO1222} Update and synthesise the evidence of fishing activities impacts, focusing particularly on towed fishing gear on sediments and static fishing gear on reefs. Natural England (via Impacts Evidence Group)

4. Completed 2022

Title Description Lead Organisation
Exploring site attachment in the south west marine plan areas {MMO1301} Exploring elements of sense of place, site attachment and coastal value and what might predict them in the English south west marine plan areas University of Plymouth
Kelp Restoration MSc {MMO1299} Will improve understanding of how aware coastal communities are of the benefits that Kelp can provide across the range of ecosystem services it supports. University of Plymouth
Understanding the scale and distribution of the impacts associated with ALDFG {MMO1294} To improve understanding the scale and distribution of the impacts associated with abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear Joint Nature Conservation Committee (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Blue carbon – mapping risks and opportunities (ME5440) {MMO1240} desk study to map the extent and distribution of blue carbon habitats in English waters and quantify the associated carbon sequestration and storage rates, potential for recovery and restoration and key pressures that are driving habitat loss and inhibiting recovery to identify opportunities for enhancing carbon storage Natural England (via Impacts Evidence Group)

5. Completed 2021

Title Description Lead Organisation
The potential effects and consequences of displacement of marine mammals by wave and tidal stream arrays {MMO1216} Improve understanding of the potential risks of displacement of marine mammals in relation to wave and tidal stream arrays, and development of an agreed framework for considering potential effects and consequences of displacement. Natural Resources Wales (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Assessing Current Evidence of Potential Impacts of Plastic on Marine Protected Species & Habitats in England & Wales {MMO1175} Carry out a literature review of the evidence of the impact of litter (macro and micro) on the features of our MPA network and carry out a simple prioritisation of our features to highlight those most at risk Natural England (via Impacts Evidence Group)

6. Completed 2020

Title Description Lead Organisation
Mapping the scale of existing marine cable / scour protection in English waters (ME6022) {MMO1215} Locate, quantify and map all anthropogenic hard protection (such as cable protection, and rock armouring used as scour protection) in the English and Welsh marine environment, and incorporate all the information into GIS layers. Natural England (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Assessing the physical impact of seining gear on protected features in UK waters (ME6015) {MMO1210} Understand the physical impact on protected features by Seine nets undertaken by literature review if footprints, penetration and mitigation and geospatial analysis assessing seining and feature distribution Joint Nature Conservation Committee (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Anthropogenic Hard Substrate data collation (MMO1309) The project will improve knowledge and management of anthropogenically introduced hard substrate in MPAs and the wider marine environment. Defra (via Impacts Evidence Group)

7. Completed 2019

Title Description Lead Organisation
Rapid assessment of evidence collation on Abandoned, Lost or otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ME5232) {MMO1189} Conduct a rapid evidence assessment to investigate and address the causes, impacts, and management activities relating to abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Improved understanding of underwater collision risks of marine renewable energy devices for birds while diving (ME6029) {MMO1180} Collate information diving behaviour to better understand underwater collision risk of seabirds with tidal energy devices Marine Management Organisation (via Impacts Evidence Group)
Social and economic impact of fisheries {MMO1129} The aim of this study is to develop evidence on the local economic impact (i.e. in terms of GVA, employment etc.) of the fisheries sectors (aquaculture, sea fisheries and fish processing) and how it generates social impacts (i.e. health, well-being, social cohesion, access, mobility/demographic change) in local communities. This evidence will be used to inform policy decisions, including understanding how government intervention can affect the economic and social impacts of the fisheries sector. Defra

8. Completed 2018

Title Description Lead Organisation
Recreational anchoring and mooring in Marine Protected Areas (ME6009) {MMO1144} Gather further data from stakeholders to improve spatial information on recreational anchoring and mooring activity and refine risk assessment to confidence and understanding of the likely risk to MPAs. Marine Management Organisation (via Impacts Evidence Group)

9. Completed 2017

Title Description Lead Organisation
Displacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas (NECR241) {MMO1130} The number of management measures in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in England that affect the fishing sector is expected to increase in the coming years and unless managed, the resulting displacement of fishing effort could have knock-on impacts on the marine environment, on fishers and on other marine sectors. Natural England commissioned this report to help better understand the nature and impacts of any potential displacement and the findings will be used by Natural England and other partners to support the design, implementation and monitoring of management measures in MPAs. Natural England
Managing marine recreational activities: a review of evidence (NECR242) {MMO1140} To collate and update the evidence base on the significance of impacts from recreational activities on designated features in MPAs, carry out a review and collate case study examples of the range of management options such as codes of conduct and engage with national governing bodies for different activities to look at existing national good practice, opportunities for further work and recommendations. Natural England

10. Completed 2016

Title Description Lead Organisation
ME6003: Intensity and impacts of commercial and recreational anchoring and mooring on Welsh and English MPAs {MMO1113} This project aims to improve the evidence base for anchoring and mooring impacts to allow identification of risks to sensitive features from anchoring and mooring. This will help to inform socio-economic evidence used for designation decisions and will support the development of effective management measures. It will inform statutory nature conservation bodies and marine regulators. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

11. Completed 2015

Title Description Lead Organisation
Val-mer (valuing marine ecosystems services in Europe) project contribution {MMO1016} To identify and quantify the range of ecosystem services provided by the marine environment. European Union
Evidence for management of potting impacts {MMO1086} Collate current evidence and research work and develop a programme for future evidence gathering that enables management decisions to be made for potting activity in MPAs. (Project by Defra’s Impacts Evidence Group (IEG)). Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Method to assess natural variability for inclusion in management decisions {MMO1088} Using currently available data develop a method to assess natural variability that can be used in management advice and decisions for MPAs. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Review of industry data {MMO1098} To provide a review of access to industry data. (Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG) project) PSEG
Feasibility of using a spatial footprint method in appropriate assessments. {MMO1108} Test an IFCA developed method for measuring spatial footprint of fishing gear to include in appropriate assessments for Marine Protected Area management. (Project by Defra’s Impacts Evidence Group (IEG)). Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

12. Completed 2014

13. Completed 2013

Title Description Lead Organisation
Updated bird distribution and sensitivity {MMO1034} Produce an assessment of seabird density around English waters in combination with a review of the relative sensitivity of each species to offshore developments.(Joint project with Natural England) Natural England

14. Completed 2012

Title Description Lead Organisation
Updated bird distribution Marine mammal spatial data collation and interpretation {MMO1022} An in-depth understanding of marine mammal distribution within the East Coast of England. Marine Scotland