
Examining Spatial Development Strategies

Spatial Development Strategies provide strategic policies for the development and use of land in the area they cover.

Applies to England



Spatial Development Strategies are prepared by an elected Mayor or a Combined Authority. They provide strategic policies for the development and use of land in the area they cover. For example, the London Plan is a Spatial Development Strategy.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied, including through Spatial Development Strategies. This is supplemented by Planning Practice Guidance.

When preparation and public participation has been completed, a Panel of Inspectors will be appointed to examine the Spatial Development Strategy on behalf of the Secretary of State.

The legislation and process for preparing, examining and adopting a Spatial Development Strategy is different from that relating to local plans. Detailed procedural guidance on all aspects of the examination can be found in the Procedural Practice in the Examination of Spatial Development Strategies booklet.

Updates to this page

Published 11 February 2020
Last updated 24 July 2023 show all updates
  1. Update to document from National Planning Policy Framework 2019 to NPPF 2021

  2. Please note that this pre-dates measures to limit the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) and it may not currently be possible to follow some of the advice it contains.

  3. First published.

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