
Record your premises for excise entry if you're a private trader

Use form EX103 to tell HMRC about your use or intention to use premises, rooms, places, vessels, utensils or other plants if you're a private trader.


Tell HMRC online (sign in using Government Gateway)

Tell HMRC by post (EX103)


You can either:

  • use the online service
  • fill in the form on-screen, print and post it to HMRC

To use the online service, you need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you use the service.

If you use the online service, you’ll get a reference number that you can use to track the progress of your declaration.

Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Before you start using the postal form

If you’re using the postal form and your browser is an older one, for example, Internet Explorer 8, you’ll need to update it or use a different browser. Find out more about browsers.

You’ll need to fill in the form fully before you can print it. You cannot save a partly completed form so gather all your information together before you start to fill it in.

Excise entry: incorporated company (EX103A)
Use the online form service if you’re an incorporated company for telling HMRC about your use or intention to use premises, rooms, places, vessels, utensils or other plant.

Register to pay duty on biofuels and other fuel substitutes
Use the online service to register for duty on biofuels and other fuel substitutes if you produce or use, or intend to produce or use, 2,500 litres or more of any biofuel or other fuel substitute.

Updates to this page

Published 3 June 2015
Last updated 8 July 2019 show all updates
  1. Information about how to register to pay for duty on biofuels and other fuel substitutes has been added to the related forms and guidance.

  2. First published.

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