
Excise movement and control system — service availability and issues

Updated 27 January 2025

Service availability

If you’re trying to create, sign in or reset your user ID or password, check for known problems with Government Gateway.

Sign in to excise movement and control system (EMCS).

Planned downtime

Sunday 9 February 2025 8:15am to 3:30pm

Due to scheduled maintenance, you will be unable to access our online service from 8:15am to 3:30pm on Sunday 9 February 2025.

For any consignments due for dispatch during this planned downtime, submit the electronic Administrative Document (eAD) movement to EMCS in advance where possible.

Fallback procedures will be there if needed.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Service issues

EMCS movements from Northern Ireland to Italy

The issue with Excise Duty suspended movements from Northern Ireland to Italy is technical in nature. The eAD, whilst being validated and created upon the UK EMCS and delivered to the Italian EMCS, is not visible on the Italian EMCS. This is preventing both the Italian consignees and the Italian authorities from being able to verify and acknowledge the movements when they arrive in Italy.

We continue to be in regular communications with our technical colleagues, both in HMRC and the European Union, to access the issue and agree on:

  • an acceptable temporary workaround
  • a permanent fix

Historic messages

We are aware there is an issue with some traders receiving historic messages the first time they call for messages on the new EMCS service. This issue should only occur on the first attempt.

If you continue to experience this issue, contact the helpdesk.

Customs Declaration Service requesting an EMCS administrative reference code

The Customs Declaration Service is requesting an EMCS administrative reference code on import declarations where goods are being declared to excise duty suspension. 

As the administrative reference code may only be generated after the customs declaration has cleared, it will not always be possible to provide this information at the time you are making the import declaration.

If you cannot provide an administrative reference code, you should declare:

  • document code: C651
  • document status code: UE
  • text ‘Not Applicable’

HMRC will arrange for this issue to be addressed as soon as possible through the Customs Declaration Service validation rules.

Other issues

If you need help with anything not listed here, contact Excise Movement and Control System: general enquiries.

Other services

Check availability and issues for other services.