
Exclusion from the UK – decisions and orders: caseworker guidance

Immigration staff guidance on decisions and orders on the exclusion of foreign nationals from the UK.


Exclusion from the UK


UK Visas and Immigration staff guidance that explains the grounds on which someone can be excluded from the UK.

Updates to this page

Published 16 July 2013
Last updated 24 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect the new policy on elites linked to the Russian State and to provide clarification of state threats.

  2. Changes to reflect the government’s updated definition of extremism.

  3. Changes from Director, AD and DD to Grades.

  4. Amendments to the guidance to update the sections on grounds for exclusion, consideration of exclusion, cancellation of existing status and notification of exclusion and to reflect the introduction of the Authority to Carry Scheme 2023.

  5. Updated guidance.

  6. Updated for end of EU transition period.

  7. Updated guidance document

  8. Replaced the document with a new version.

  9. 'Exclusion decisions and exclusion orders' guidance removed and replaced by 'Exclusion from the UK'.

  10. Updated guidance.

  11. Updated 29 January 2014

  12. First published.

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