Corporate report

Agenda: 17 April 2024

Published 24 September 2024

Applies to England

Executive Board meeting 17 April 1pm to 3:15pm Bristol Office (Conference Room and MS Teams).

  1. Welcome and introductions (5 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  2. Minutes of the Executive Board 23 January 2024 decision (5 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  3. FC People Strategy - Review of Year 3 Deliverables update (30 mins) - Head of Organisational Development (Paper 03/24).
  4. Your Offer update and way forward discussion (30 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  5. Corporate plan update (20 mins) - Head of Performance.
  6. Budget decision (10 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  7. FC Strategic Risk Register discussion (10 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  8. GIAA Action Tracker update (10 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  9. Health and safety update (5 mins) - Head of Health and Safety and Technical Training
  10. AOB (5 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  • Defra framework agreement
  • SRMF meeting summary