Corporate report

Agenda: 21 November 2023

Published 24 September 2024

Applies to England

Executive Board meeting 21 November 2023 1pm to 4pm Bristol Office (Conference Room and MS Teams).

  1. Welcome and introduction (5 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  2. Minutes of the Executive Board 7 September 2023 decision (5 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  3. Health and safety update (5 mins) - Head of Health and Safety and Training
  4. Your Offer timeline for key decisions update (20 mins) - Head of HR Your Offer Project Manager (Paper 22/23).
  5. GIAA Action Tracker update (10 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  6. Security recommendations from review decision (20 mins) - Derrick Osgood (Paper 18/23).
  7. BCP Framework decision (15 mins) - Derrick Osgood (Paper 19/23).
  8. Business, entertainment and hospitality decision (15 mins) - Derrick Osgood (Paper 20/23).

BREAK for 5 mins.

  1. Corporate services update (10 mins) - Derrick Osgood.
  2. Senior Leadership Programme decision (15 mins) - Head of OD (Paper 21/23).
  3. Corporate Plan - reporting mechanism and role of EB decision (40 mins) - Derrick Osgood, Chief of Staff.
  4. Office occupancy rates - long term infrastructure plan update (10 mins) - Richard Stanford.
  5. AOB (5 mins) - Richard Stanford.