Corporate report

Minutes: 23 January 2024

Published 24 September 2024

Applies to England

Executive Board (EB) minutes of the 124th meeting via MS Teams and in Bristol Conference Room 23 January 2024.


Richard Stanford (Chair)
Amanda Grist
Tristram Hilborn
Derrick Osgood
James Pendlebury
Steph Rhodes
Paula Rice
Jo Ridgway
Mike Seddon
Becky Rhodes (observer)

Head of HR - Your Offer
Head of Health and Safety and Technical Training - Health and safety and mandatory training items
Julia Lovell - Minute secretary
HR Project Manager - Wellbeing dashboard
Head of Performance - Corporate plan

1. Welcome, updates and introductions

The Chair opened the meeting. No apologies had been received.

2. Minutes of the Executive Board 21 November 2023 and matters arising

The minutes for the meeting of the Forestry Commission (FC) EB of 21 November 2023 were agreed as a true and accurate record. All action points were discharged.

3. Creating an atmosphere of collaboration and support in EB

This item was to cover how to prioritise developing the Board – where it works well and where it should aim to be better together. The Board took part in an exercise to determine levels of Trust which Jo Ridgway ran. The results included the Board agreeing that they can be better at being open and transparent, while feeling there is a good mix of skills, expertise and experience. The Board agreed to consider this in more depth at an away day after the corporate plan for next year (sometime after April/May) has been endorsed which will provide the common aims. Jo Ridgway recommended an external facilitator for the workshop(s) moving forward. This recommendation was accepted by the Board.

Action 1: Richard Stanford and Jo Ridgway to consider findings of this session to plan an away day to empower the FC Executive Board to deliver the corporate plan together.

Action 2: Jo Ridgway to write up findings and send to EB members.

4. Business continuity framework and policies

Following feedback at the November Board, the policies had been updated with subject matter experts in respective organisations for consideration at this meeting. Where necessary the policy elements and the procedural elements were separated in order that the processes can be reviewed with feedback at the next EB.

The Board also discussed the hospitality and entertainment policy. The Board endorsed the policy to allow existing delegations to approve business entertainment per head of £30 per person, and £3,000 for internal working events. Any value above this will require justification through a mini business case (through filling out an annex to the policy). Government Internal Audit Agency will test this policy and the limits and advise whether they are the right thresholds later in the year. Derrick Osgood asked for any feedback to come directly to him.

The Board had a broader discussion around how policies are set and reviewed across the Commission. The Board endorsed that the subject matter expert subboards should have delegated authority to lead and make decisions on these in the future however this should be set out in a structured proposal through the work incorporated in the corporate plan.

5. Health and safety update and mandatory training update

The Board noted the update. All 12 incidents were of a minor nature and so are being dealt with proportionately to the level of each incident.

The Board noted the Mandatory training data and thanked the Head of Health and Safety and Technical Training for this work. The FC is now in a much better position recording completions but there is still work to be done to make sure that reporting is consistent across the organisation. The Chair asked for a future discussion on how to tier mandatory training to ensure senior leaders have the necessary knowledge and tools.

Action 3: Head of Health and Safety and Technical Training to feedback to on suitability of NEBOSH training course tailored to senior leaders following trial (after May 2024).

6. Audits completed since last Board and review of actions

The Board noted this update. Next year’s audit schedule is in progress.

7. Wellbeing dashboard

The Board were presented with an updated Wellbeing dashboard. The Board found the commentary alongside the data useful and would welcome this in the future to understand next steps or actions.

8. Corporate plan

Head of Performance updated the Board on development of the Corporate Plan. Over the coming months, there will be several workshops and meetings covering four workstreams focussed on validation, strategic opportunities, enablers, and performance indicators. The Board were asked to support the development of the Corporate Plan through engagement, prioritisation, flexibility and through provision of feedback.

9. Financial situation and actions needed to address issues - pan FC approach to people issues

Overspend risk has been mitigated for government funded work across the Forestry Commission. The key risk outstanding is non-government funded work. This is particularly pressing in Forestry England though they have sufficient reserves in the short term. The EB noted that recruitment across Forest Services and Forestry England, apart from priority posts, will be put on hold to ensure fiscal sustainability. Balancing the cost implications with aims of Your Offer, effect on recruitment and turnover, as well as meeting net zero commitments is also a key consideration going forward. This is also an administrative challenge across the organisations with different business operating models and systems.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have yet to confirm Spending Review aims and commitments so the Board were asked for support in what is likely to be a tight turnaround once these are known. The Board noted that they may have to defend existing and proposed new programmatic spend as well as efficiency savings.

10. Your Offer

Given the cost pressures, the EB discussed whether it is feasible to continue with Your Offer at this time. The EB endorsed delivery as the broken pay structure needs fixing for a more sustainable pay offer; James Pendlebury, Paula Rice and Tristram Hilborn expressed a preference to pause and reconsider implementing Your Offer at a later date. The EB are aware that pay award levels/percentages are also an issue but it is not currently within their remit to affect policy changes.

The Board noted that if FC do not receive a decision from HM Treasury by 29 March, that Your Offer cannot be implemented this year.

The project team met with the Forestry Commission Trade Union on 23 January and will meet again on 7 February to continue negotiations.

The EB agreed to further discuss Your Offer and the proposed changes to pay structures and applicable terms and conditions at a later date.

Action 4: HR Project manager to provide draft comms out to the organisation for comment by the EB. Comms to go live on 29 January.

11. AOB

FC-Defra framework agreement

The Forestry Commission – Defra Framework Agreement ran out in May 2023. Discussions are still ongoing with Defra to agree updates. The aim is to have the new one signed off before March to ensure that it can be referenced in the Annual Report and Accounts.

Action 5: Derrick Osgood to share draft FC-Defra Framework Agreement with EB members before it is signed.

Chief executive on annual leave

Mike Seddon will look after urgent matters while Richard Stanford is on annual leave in February.