Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on how to handle exemptions for visa applications made outside the UK.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance on how staff consider exemptions when handling visa applications made outside the UK. It is a live document under constant review and is for information only.
Updates to this page
Updated list of international organisations whose employees qualify for exempt entry clearances.
Added document, 'Exemption from immigration control (Non armed forces)'.
Added the World Bank Group International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the World Bank Group Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, the United Nations Children's Fund and the United Nations Population Fund. Removed the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning and the Unified Patents Court. Moved the African Development Bank to the list of organisations without offices in the UK. Moved the World Health Organisation to the list of organisations with offices in the UK. The names of some organisations have been updated.
Exempt (EXM) document updated.
Updated list of exempt organisations.
Added more information about the unmarried partner concession in paragraph 7 of the Exempt (EXM) guidance.
Updated paragraph 7 of the Exempt (EXM) guidance.
List of exempt organisations have been updated to reflect current legislation.
Updated list of exempt organisations.
Updated list of exempt organisations.
Updated EXM8 information.
First published.