Evaluation of ESF priorities 1 and 4: extending employment opportunities to adults and young people
Evaluation research on European Social Fund priorities 1 and 4 which seek to increase employment and tackle worklessness.
By Ian Atkinson
This evaluation report forms part of a suite of research gathering evidence on the delivery of the European Social Fund (ESF). It aims to improve understanding of the processes, range and delivery of ESF priority 1 and priority 4 provision within the 2007 to 2013 England and Gibraltar ESF Operational Programme (OP). Priority 1 and priority 4 seek to increase employment and tackle worklessness through a mix of employment and skills provision, intended to support people to enter jobs and in some instances progress within work.
The research is based on 10 in-depth case studies of the delivery of priority 1 and 4 provision, involving a total of 182 interviews with stakeholders in ESF Co-Financing Organisations, Jobcentre Plus, and ESF delivery contractors. Fieldwork for the evaluation was undertaken between January and March 2011.
The evaluation was part-funded by ESF technical assistance under the 2007 to 2013 England and Gibraltar ESF programme evaluation strategy.