Extension of UK IP right abroad: countries O to S
Updated 9 July 2024
1. Pitcairn
Self-governing UK overseas dependent territory.
1.1 Own laws
No information.
1.2 Extension
Patents: No information.
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: No information.
Designs: No information.
1.3 Address and contact information
Pitcairn Islands Administration
Private Box 105 696
New Zealand
Telephone: +64 9 366 0186
Fax: +64 9 366 0187
Email: admin@pitcairn.gov.pn
2. Saint Kitts and Nevis
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
2.1 Own laws
2.2 Extension
Patents: St Kitts’ Patents Act 2000 came into force on 1 June 2002 resulting in independent registration only with effect from 31 May 2003.
On 27 October 2005 a Treaty came into force making Saint Kitts and Nevis the 128th Contracting State of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: In addition to local registration, you may also apply for a registration based on a UK trade mark. Applications can be at any time during the life of the UK trade mark and will expire with UK trade mark.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended.
2.3 Conventions
- Berne Convention
- Nice Agreement
- Paris Convention
- WIPO Convention
2.4 Administration
The Registrar of the Supreme Court
Registry of the Supreme Court
Judicial and Legal Complex
East Independence Square
Saint Kitts and Nevis
- (1 869) 465 2195
- (1 869) 465 2009
Fax: (1 869) 465 5040
3. Saint Lucia
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
3.1 Own Laws
3.2 Extension
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 3 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): EP(UK) are not accepted for confirmation.
Trade marks: In addition to local registration, you may also apply for a registration based on a UK trade mark. Applications can be at any time during the life of the UK trade mark and will expire with UK trade mark. European Union trade marks (EUTMs) and registrations under the Madrid Protocol designating the UK do not have effect in Saint Lucia.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended, however, the exclusive rights may be denied by the Court on the ground of publication of the design prior to the date of registration in the UK.
3.3 Conventions
- Berne Convention
- Paris Convention
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
- WIPO Convention
3.4 Administration
Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property
2nd floor Hewanorra House
Trou Garnier Financial Centre
Pointe Seraphine
Saint Lucia
Telephone: (1 758) 468 32 31
Fax: (1 758) 451 7989
Email: rocip@candw.lc
4. Saint Vincent
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
4.1 Own laws
4.2 Extension
Patents: Independent registration only.
EP(UK): If you apply for a patent based on an existing EP(UK) patent, within 3 years of EP(UK) date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with EP(UK) patent.
Trade marks: Independent registration only, as a result of the new Trade Mark Act 46/2003 which came into force on 18 May 2004.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended.
4.3 Conventions
- Berne Convention
- Paris Convention
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- WIPO Convention
4.4 Administration
Commerce and Intellectual Property
Ground Floor,
Methodist Building
Granby Street
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Telephone: +1 (784) 451 28 94
Fax: 00 1 (664) 457 1888
Email: office.cipo@mail.gov.vc
5. Samoa
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
5.1 Own laws
5.2 Extension
Patents: Independent registration only, as a result of the Samoa Intellectual Property Act 2011 which came into force 1 October 2012..
EP(UK): Independent registration only, as a result of the Samoa Intellectual Property Act 2011 which came into force 1 October 2012.
Trade marks: In addition to local registration, you may also apply for a registration based on a UK trade mark. Applications must be filed to Samoa within 12 months of the application being filed in the UK.
Designs: Independent registration only.
5.3 Administration
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour
P.O. Box 862
- (685) 20 441
- (685) 20 442
Fax: (685) 20 443
Email: mpal@mcil.gov.ws
6. Seychelles
Status: Self-governing UK overseas dependent territory.
6.1 Own laws
6.2 Extension
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 3 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: Independent registration only.
Designs: UK design registrations are automatically extend to the Seychelles without the need for local registrations.
6.3 Conventions
- Paris Convention
- Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- WIPO Convention
6.4 Administration
Cultural Property and Copyright Unit / Seychelles Authors and Composers Society
Ministry of Social Development and Culture, Department of Culture
National Culture Centre
P.O. Box 1386 Victoria
Telephone: (248)432 13 33
Intellectual Property Offices
Registration Division
Department of Legal Affairs
The Registrar General
P.O. Box 142
Telephone: (248) 224 904
Fax: 0(248) 225 764
Email: regdiv@registry.gov.sc or regdiv@seychelles.sc
7. Sierra Leone
Independent State within the Commonwealth.
7.1 Own laws
7.2 Extension
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 3 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: Legislation has not been passed in order to give effect to the Madrid Agreement, so whilst there are provisions for the registration based on a UK mark, the international registration will not be enforceable.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended.
7.3 Conventions
- Madrid Agreement (Marks)
- Madrid Protocol
- Paris Convention
- Patent cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- WIPO Convention
7.4 Administration
Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Cultural Division)
Sierra Leone Intellectual Property Organisation
Government Wharf
Sierra Leone
Telephone: (232 22) 24 02 67
8. Solomon Islands
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
8.1 Own laws
8.2 Extension
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 3 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): If you apply for a patent based on an existing EP(UK) patent, within 3 years of EP(UK) date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with EP(UK) patent.
Trade marks: Only the owner of a UK registered trade mark may apply for registration based on a UK trade mark. Applications can be at any time during the life of the UK trade mark and will expire with UK trade mark.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended.
8.3 Administration
Industrial Property Office
Ministry of Police and Justice
Registrar-General’s Office
P.O. Box. G 15
Solomon Islands
Telephone: (677) 23 002
9. South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands
UK Overseas Dependent Territory - former dependencies of the Falkland Islands. This territory is not “inhabited” in the proper sense of the word, except for scientific research teams and military personnel. There is no intellectual property rights (IPR) legislation for this territory.
9.1 Own laws
There is no IPR legislation for this territory.
9.2 Extension
Patents: There is no IPR legislation for this territory.
EP(UK): There is no IPR legislation for this territory.
Trade marks: UK IP rights extended (Trade Marks ordinance No. 2 of 2001).
Designs: There is no IPR legislation for this territory.
10. Swaziland
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
10.1 Own laws
10.2 Extension
Patents: Independent registration only.
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: Independent registration only.
Designs: United Kingdom (UK) designs registrations are automatically extended.