Extension of UK IP right abroad: countries T to Z
Updated 9 July 2024
1. The United Republic of Tanzania
United Republic (formed jointly by the Republic of Tanganyika and the Republic of Zanzibar) within the Commonwealth. However, Zanzibar retains its own president and house of representatives for legislation on domestic matters, including intellectual property rights.
1.1 Own laws
For own laws, membership of International Bodies and Contact Details please refer to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) website.
1.2 Extension
Patents: Tanzania is a member of the African Regional Industrial Property Organisation (ARIPO) and refers patent applications there for preliminary and substantive searches and registration.
(Tanganyika): No re-registration of UK patents
(Zanzibar) Patents granted in Great Britain may be registered in Zanzibar, provided application is made within three years from date of issue.
EP(UK): Tanganyika & Zanzibar: No re-registration.
Trade marks: No re-registration in Tanganyika or Zanzibar.
Designs: Designs registered in the UK are automatically extended to Tanganyika and Zanzibar. New legislation is in the process of being prepared.
1.3 Administration
Co-operative Building Lumumba Street P.O. Box 9393
2. Tonga
The Kingdom of Tonga was formerly a British protectorate which became an independent state within the Commonwealth on 4 June 1970.
2.1 Own laws
2.2 Re-registration
The Industrial Property Act 1994 came into force in February 2000. It provides for an independent system of registration of patents, trade marks, utility model certificates and designs.
Patents: Independent.
EP(UK): No information.
Trade marks: Independent.
Designs: Independent.
Member of WIPO, and Paris and Berne Treaties since June 2001 and WTO as of 2 July 2007.
2.3 Administration
Intellectual Property & Company Registration Office
Ministry of Labour
Commerce and Industries
PO Box 110
Telephone: (676) 23 688
Fax: (676) 23887
3. Turks and Caicos Islands
Self-governing UK overseas dependent territory.
3.1 Own laws
3.2 Re-registration
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 5 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): If you apply for a patent based on an existing EP(UK) patent, within 5 years of EP(UK) date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with EP(UK) patent.
Trade marks: A new Trade mark Act went into effect in April 2000. Service marks are now registrable and international classes 35-42 have been added for service mark registration. New legislation was introduced in March 2001.
Designs: No information.
3.3 Administration
The Registrar of Trade marks/Patents
Financial Services Commission
Harry H Francis Building
Pond Street
Grand Turk
Turks & Caicos Islands
Telephone: +1 649 946 2550
Fax: +1 649 946 2821
4. Tuvalu
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
4.1 Own laws
4.2 Extension
Patents: If you apply for a patent based on an existing UK patent, within 3 years of UK date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with UK patent.
EP(UK): If you apply for a patent based on an existing EP(UK) patent, within 3 years of EP(UK) date of issue, registration will normally be granted, the patent will expire with EP(UK) patent.
Trade marks: Only the owner of a UK registered trade mark may apply for a registration based on a UK trade mark. Applications can be at any time during the life of the UK trade mark and will expire with UK trade mark.
Designs: UK designs may be re-registered with the payment of a fee.
4.3 Administration
Ministry of Trade Commerce & Public Corporations
The Permanent Secretary
Telephone:(668) 829
Fax:(668) 829
5. Uganda
Independent Republic within the Commonwealth.
5.1 Own laws
5.2 Extension
Patents: No re-registration of UK patents.
EP(UK): No re-registration of EP(UK) patents.
Trade marks: No re-registration of UK trade marks.
Designs: UK designs registrations are automatically extended.
5.3 Administration
Industrial Property Office
Registrar General’s Department
Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
12th Floor
Uganda House
Plot No.10
Kampala Road
P.O. Box 6848
- (256 41) 233 219
- (256 41) 232 135
Fax: (256 41) 254 829
6. Vanuatu
Independent member within the Commonwealth.
6.1 Own laws
6.2 Extension
Patents and trade marks:
(a) Bill amending the existing provisions of the UK patent and trade mark laws have recently been passed in parliament and will be brought into force shortly. The amendments will apply to the patents granted and trade marks issued within the European Union.
(b) Yes - An application by a proprietor for a registration in Vanuatu of an existing UK patent can be made within 3 years of the UK date of issue. Its privileges and rights will continue in force only so long as the patent remains in force in the UK.
EP(UK) - Yes - under above amendment, an application by a proprietor of a patent for registration of the parent granted in accordance with the terms of an International Treaty, Convention, Arrangement, or agreement to which an EU member state is party, (in this case an application in relation to EP(UK) Patent) should be made within 3 years of the EP(UK) date of issue.
Trade marks: No - The Trade Marks Act 2003 (which came into force in 2011) introduced a registration system in Vanuatu and means that it is no longer possible to obtain a registration of a trade mark by providing a certified copy of a UK trade mark registration or European Union trade mark registration. All applications must now be made locally and include an address for service in Vanuatu.
UK Designs: There is no existing provision in the law for the registration of a UK design.
6.3 Administration
Industrial Property
Vanuatu Financial Services Centre
Carnot Street
Private Mail Bag 023
Port Vila
Republic of Vanuatu
Telephone: +00 (678) 22247
Fax: +00 (678) 22242