
Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee

Updated 10 May 2024

1. What the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee is

The Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee oversees UK and EU implementation, application and interpretation of the Withdrawal Agreement. The Joint Committee will also seek to resolve any issues that may arise during implementation.

The Joint Committee will supervise the work of 6 Specialised Committees, and take decisions on their recommendations. The 6 Specialised Committees cover:

  • citizens’ rights
  • other separation provisions
  • Ireland/Northern Ireland
  • Gibraltar
  • Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus
  • financial provisions

2. Who chairs the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee

The Joint Committee is co-chaired by the UK and the EU.

The UK co-chair: Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron.

The EU co-chair: European Commission Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič.

The UK alternate co-chair: Minister of State for Europe, Nusrat Ghani MP.

The EU alternate co-chairs: Ms Ilze Juhansone and Mr John Watson.

3. How the Joint Committee operates and how often it meets

The Withdrawal Agreement requires that the Joint Committee meets at least once a year and must issue an annual report. The exact meeting schedule and agendas will be agreed by mutual consent of the co-chairs.

Either the UK or EU can request a meeting, which should take place within 30 days.

The Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee will continue after the end of the Transition Period for as long as necessary. Meetings will alternate between London and Brussels, unless the co-chairs decide otherwise, and can also be held by video or teleconference.

Further details on how the Joint Committee will operate, including outlining Rules of Procedure are in Annex VIII of the Withdrawal Agreement.

4. Who chairs the Specialised Committees, how often they meet, what do they do

Specialised Committees are co-chaired by UK and EU officials. Each Specialised Committee will work slightly differently. Co-chairs will mutually agree meeting schedules and agendas. Specialised Committees support the Joint Committee by focussing on key elements of the Withdrawal Agreement in detail. They draft recommendations for decision by the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee.