Fair Deal policy and NHS Pension Scheme
Explains how the Fair Deal policy applies to the NHS Pension Scheme.
Fair Deal is a non-statutory policy setting out how pension issues are to be dealt with when staff are compulsorily transferred from the public sector to independent sector providers of public services.
Under the new Fair Deal, these staff will be entitled to retain membership or eligibility for the public service pension scheme they were in or eligible to join immediately before the transfer.
This guidance gives information to contracting authorities, bidders and providers about the application of the new Fair Deal policy where the relevant public service pension scheme is the NHS Pension Scheme (NHSPS).
It identifies areas that Treasury guidance had highlighted and outlines the department’s recommended position for the NHSPS.
There is also guidance on DH policy about requests for former NHS staff to return to the NHS pension scheme and how requests should be made.
It has been prepared in collaboration with NHS England, NHS Business Services Authority and the Government Actuary’s Department.
Updates to this page
Added 'Policy note: application of New Fair Deal to ongoing contracts' which has guidance on DH policy about requests for former NHS staff to return to the NHS pension scheme and how requests should be made.
First published.