Farm practices survey topic timeline
Timeline showing the topics covered on each of the farm practices surveys.
Applies to England
The Farm Practices Survey provides information on current farm practices in England. The survey is run once or twice a year, depending on demand. A consultation is run each year inviting internal and external colleagues to suggest topics to be included. This means that the content of the survey changes each year and ensures that the information collected is relevant and current. Where there is demand, topics are repeated at various intervals allowing time series data to be built up and enabling comparisons to be made across different years.
This timeline shows the topics that have been covered in each survey. It is updated after each survey.
Defra statistics: farming
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Updates to this page
Updated in line with 2024 publication of farm practices survey.
Update timeline for June 2023.
Edited to include updated topic timeline attachment.
Updated with data up to 2021.
Replaced 2019 timeline with 2020 timeline.
Updated the Farm practices survey topic timeline.
Updated timeline for 2019.
Updated Farm Practice Survey Timeline.
Document updated with latest information.
Farm practices survey topic timeline updated.
First published.