Our plan to include people with disabilities in our work 2022 to 2030 (easy read)
Updated 31 May 2022

A wheelchair user is employed at Maama Rachel’s Saloon. Copyright: Martin Kharumwa by kind permission of Sightsavers.
The plan will be from 2022 to 2030.
About us

We are part of the UK Government.

We are called the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Or FCDO for short.

We work with other countries to help solve big problems in the world.
About this plan

This is our new plan to help us support people with disabilities in a better way.
It is called our Disability Inclusion and Rights Strategy.
The plan will help us to include people with disabilities in our work.

The plan is about our work from 2022 to 2030.
We talked to people with disabilities all over the world before we made our plan.
We wanted to know what life was like for them and what would make it better.
That helped us to make our plan.
Why we made the plan

We want a fairer world for everyone.
That includes all people with disabilities.

But people with disabilities are treated unfairly in many ways.
They are often left out.
They do not have the same chances as other people to do well.
We want to work with people with disabilities to change that.
We want the following 4 things to happen:
1. Making sure that all people with disabilities get their rights.

Rights are things that we all have. Like the right to be safe and to be treated fairly.
People with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else.
2. Making sure that people with disabilities can take part in the community and have their say.

That means people with disabilities can have a real say in what happens in their local areas and countries.
That includes women with disabilities.

People with disabilities can be leaders and help to make big decisions.
3. Making sure that people with disabilities can make their own choices about their lives.

That means making sure they have the information and support to do that.
4. Making sure that there is better information about what people with disabilities need.

That will help everyone to make plans that work well for people with disabilities.

There is an important document about the rights of all people with disabilities.
It is called the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This plan is based on what the document says.

Many countries have promised to do what the document says.
We will keep supporting everyone to do more on the document.
The main things we will work on

In the next 8 years, we will include people with disabilities in big areas of our work.

That will help to make the following things happen:
Making sure that people with disabilities can get a good education and learn new skills.
That includes girls with disabilities.

Making sure that people with disabilities have good healthcare.

Making sure that people with disabilities can afford the basic things they need.
They should be able to get money from the government to help them if they need it.

Making sure that people with disabilities can get a job and earn money.
That will help them to have a better life.

Making sure that people with disabilities get the right support when there are big problems in the world.
Like war or floods.

Making sure that people with disabilities can help to make plans about big problems that might happen in the world.
That is to make sure the plans work well for them.

Making sure that people with disabilities get the right support with climate change.
Climate change is about the earth getting warmer.
That is causing big problems like bad storms, too much heat and not enough rain.

We will work to include people with disabilities in climate change plans.
Other things we will do

We will support people with disabilities to get the equipment they need to make their lives easier.
Like wheelchairs, glasses or hearing aids.

We will support groups of people with disabilities to take part in things and have their say.

We will work to make sure that all people with disabilities are treated fairly.
That includes people with disabilities who are often left out now.
Like women and girls with disabilities, older people, and people with mental health conditions.
How we will do the work in this plan

We will think about the rights of people with disabilities in all of our work.

We will support other countries to change things more quickly for people with disabilities.
The UK is already a leader in that work.

We will make sure that we include people with disabilities in our work in different countries.

We will make sure that our projects and plans work well for people with disabilities.

We want different groups of people with disabilities to have a real say in our work.
That means working with people with disabilities to make our plans and decisions.

We will give our staff information and training about how to include people with disabilities and their rights.

We will work well with each other across our organisation.
We will share information about disability so that everyone knows what to do.

We will make sure that new things we buy work well for people with disabilities.

We will work with other organisations that include people with disabilities.

We want to make sure that people with disabilities feel safe when they are working with us.
We want to stop people with disabilities being hurt or treated badly.
That includes being hurt or treated badly in a sexual way.
If people with disabilities do not feel safe, we will make sure they can let us know.

We will spend money to find out more about people with disabilities and their lives.
We will share what we learn with many other people.

We will support more people with disabilities to work for us and do well.
That includes making big decisions as managers.

We will make sure that our organisation is good for people with disabilities to work for.
We will work with our staff with disabilities to do that.
Making sure that we do what we say

We promised to do more to make life better for people with disabilities.
We promised that at some big meetings about disability. The meetings are called the Global Disability Summit.
We must keep our promises to people with disabilities.

We will make another plan about how we will do the work in this plan.
The plan will be called the Delivery Plan.
We will work with people with disabilities to make it.

We have a new group of experts who will give us advice on how we are doing with this plan.
We will check this plan again in 2025 to see if anything needs to change.
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