
FCDO IATI Guidelines

Guidelines to assist organisations in receipt of FCDO funding 'partners', to publish to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) open data standard.


FCDO IATI Guidelines

FCDO IATI publishing guidance annex


FCDO has updated its guidelines for partners in relation to publication to the International Aid Transparency Initiative.  

The majority of partners spending aid funding are asked in their agreements to publish transparent aid information to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). If your agreement asks you to publish to IATI, these guidelines explain why we ask you to do this and how best to approach this, including which IATI fields need to be filled in.

The annex contains sample ways to structure the data depending on the type of project or programme being funded, if you require it.

Updates to this page

Published 6 July 2022
Last updated 19 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Guidance updated on new IATI Publisher tool, to supports small and medium organisations to publish to the IATI Standard.

  2. First published.

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