Corporate report

FCDO response to ICAI recommendations on: The UK’s support to the African Development Bank Group

FCDO response to the ICAI recommendations on: The UK’s support to the African Development Bank Group, July 2020



FCDO welcomes the Independent Commission for Aid Impact’s (ICAI) review on the UK’s support to the African Development Bank (AfDB).

AfDB is a strategic partner for the FCDO. It is a significant source of multilateral funding for economic, social and institutional development in Africa. It makes loans to African countries and businesses to address the large infrastructure gap that constrains economic growth across the continent, especially in transport, energy, agriculture and water. It is African owned and a trusted partner, with strong convening power which enable it to catalyse reform and promote greater ownership of development in the continent. FCDO remains strongly committed to an effective partnership with the AfDB to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Published 18 September 2020