
Fees relating to a Wholesale Dealer’s Authorisation (WDA)

Published 16 May 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

1. Fees relating to a Wholesale Dealer’s Authorisation (WDA)

1.1 Application for a WDA

In order to wholesale veterinary medicines you must have a valid wholesaler dealer’s authorisation covering the types of products you wish to wholesale.

Fee Code Description GB VMR 2013 (as amended) Schedule 7 Para Fee from 17/05/24
V23-WDA1 Wholesale Dealers authorisation 39(1) £344

1.2 Annual Fees for a WDA

In order to maintain your authorisation, you must pay an annual fee as set out below.

Fee Code Description Schedule 7 Para Fee from 17/05/24
V23-WAN1 WDA Annual Fee 41 £427

1.3 Variation of a WDA

A fee is payable in respect of an application to vary a wholesale dealer’s authorisation. There are two variation fees:

  • one for simple administration only
  • another that requires scientific/pharmaceutical assessment by an inspector

These may also require an inspection, for which an inspection fee will apply.

Fee Code Description GB VMR 2013 (as amended) Schedule 7 Para Fee from 17/05/24
V23-WDAV1 WDA Variation: scientific pharmaceutical assessment 40(a) £265
V23-WDAV2 WDA Variation: admin only 40(b) £105

1.4 Inspection of WDA holder’s site

Your WDA premises will need to be inspected before you receive your authorisation. A scientific variation may also require an inspection depending on the change you are making. We will also inspect your premises on an ongoing risk basis.

The inspection fee applied depends on the authorisation you hold. A reduced fee is applied if the authorisation for that premises only relates to products classified as AVM-GSL, homeopathic remedies, or products marketed under Schedule 6.

Fee Code Description GB VMR 2013 (as amended) Schedule 7 Para Fee from 17/05/24
V23-IWDS1 Inspection: WDA GDP; standard 42(a) £1,177
V23-IWDR1 Inspection: WDA GDP; reduced 42(b) £877