
Film & TV Production Restart Scheme

The scheme rules and explanatory notes for the Film & TV Production Restart Scheme.



On 28 July 2020, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport announced the launch of a government-backed £500m scheme for UK film and TV productions struggling to get insurance for COVID-19-related costs.

The Film and TV Production Restart Scheme helped productions across the country that were halted or delayed by an inability to obtain insurance for COVID-19-related risks to get back up and running, by giving productions the confidence they needed that they would be supported if future losses were incurred due to COVID-19.

Following the receipt of State Aid approval from the European Commission, the Scheme formally commenced on 16 October 2020.

Registration for the Scheme closed on 1 May 2022, and registered productions had until 30 September 2022 to submit claims for eligible losses incurred up to 30 June 2022.

The Scheme Rules and supplementary Explanatory Notes, as published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and HM Treasury, can be found on this page using the links above.

Further information and contact details for the appointed Third Party Administrator, Marsh Commercial, can be found on their website: Marsh Commercial - Film and TV Production Restart Scheme.

Updates to this page

Published 17 September 2020
Last updated 13 April 2023 show all updates
  1. Added links to restart scheme evaluations.

  2. Amendment to landing page to confirm scheme closure

  3. Clarified Explanatory Note 11.4 re Eligible Losses

  4. Confirmation that registration period for the Scheme has now closed

  5. Edited rule 15 and note 14 - short extension to deadline for meaningful commencement of principal photography

  6. Clarification re Specific Age Extensions

  7. Amendments to landing page, Scheme Rules and Explanatory Notes to confirm scheme extension

  8. Amendment to explanatory notes

  9. Amended to include payment terms.

  10. Scheme extended - key dates changed

  11. Rules and explanatory notes updated - registration deadline extended and specific age extension introduced.

  12. Updated details section and documents to reflect formal commencement of the scheme and extension of registration deadline.

  13. Added link to application form

  14. First published.

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