
Financial notice to improve: Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Trust

A financial notice to improve issued to Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Trust by the Education Funding Agency.

Applies to England



This letter and its annexes serve as a written notice to improve financial management, control and governance at Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Trust.

A second notice issued in August 2015 confirms that the notice will continue to apply when the Trust formally converts from a single academy trust to the multi-academy trust, The Liverpool Joint Catholic and Church of England Academies Trust on 1 September 2015.

The third letter was sent to the Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Trust in January 2017 to lift the financial notice to improve.

Updates to this page

Published 15 October 2014
Last updated 6 January 2017 show all updates
  1. Updated with a letter to lift the financial notice to improve sent to the Trust in January 2017.

  2. Updated to add a second letter to confirm the notice continues after changes to the Trust.

  3. First published.

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