
Fire safety risk assessment: 5-step checklist (accessible)

Updated 20 January 2025

Applies to England

Follow the 5 key steps below and fill in the checklist.

The risk assessment process involves an inspection of the premises to identify potential fire hazards, to ensure adequate measures to stop fire starting and that adequate fire protection measures are in place to protect everyone in the building.

Key steps

1: Fire hazards

A fire hazard is anything that can start a fire, such as ignition sources or combustible materials. Consider:

  • electrical equipment

  • smoking

  • arson

  • heating

  • cooking

  • housekeeping

  • contractors

2: People at risk

How many people are in the premises?

Are there any young, disabled, or lone workers present in the premises?

3: Evaluate and act

How many floors and staircases are in the premises?

The number and location of exits?

Are fire alarms, fire exit signs, emergency lighting and fire extinguishers needed?

4: Record, plan and train

You must complete a fire risk assessment and keep a record of this.

Do you have a clear plan of how you are going to keep staff safe from fire?

Do your staff know what to do in case of fire?

Do you complete fire drills?

Are fire safety provisions being maintained?

Your plan details hat needs doing and by when. Use the checklist to make sure you have covered all areas.

5: Review

Your fire risk assessment needs regular review and updating if there are any significant changes.

You must also keep a record that you have reviewed your FRA, and the date you did so.

1: Fire hazards

  • Have you found anything that could start a fire?

  • Have you found anything that could burn?

  • How could a fire start?

  • Think about heaters, lighting, electrical equipment and hot works

  • Have you considered smoking and the use of matches?

  • Hot processes, welding and grinding should also be taken into account

2: People at risk

  • Everyone is potentially at risk from fire

  • Think about night staff or people not familiar with the premises, such as visitors or customers

  • Children, the elderly or disabled people are especially vulnerable

  • Who could be at risk?

  • Who could be especially at risk?

3: Evaluate and act

  • Have you assessed the risks in the workplace?

  • Do you have enough escape routes?

  • Have you planned escape routes?

  • Have you made sure people will be able to safely find their way out, even at night?

  • Is a fire alarm system needed?

  • Are signs, such as fire exit signs, needed?

  • Is emergency lighting required?

  • Are fire extinguishers needed and, if so, where should they be located?

  • Have you kept sources of ignition away from fuel sources?

  • Have you made sure that everyone is safe in case of fire?

  • Do you have a fire safety plan?

  • Who will call the fire and rescue service?

  • Could you put out a small fire and stop it spreading?

4: Record, plan and train

  • Have you planned what everyone will do if there is a fire?

  • Do all your staff know the plan?

  • Have staff had up-to-date training and completed a fire drill?

  • Have you included temporary staff?

  • Are you maintaining everything that is provided or required to keep people safe from fire?

  • Formulate your action plan to reduce the fire hazards. The plan is an inventory of actions, normally prioritised and time constrained to devise, maintain or improve controls. Remember, where appropriate, this can be eliminating or controlling hazards (e.g. better separation of combustible materials from ignition sources)

5: Review

  • Keep your assessment under regular review. Remember to update it as risks or hazards change. If you make any significant changes, you should review your risk assessment. Have you made any changes to the building since the last assessment?

  • Have you had a fire or a near miss?

  • Have stock levels changed significantly?

  • Have you started to store chemicals or dangerous substances?

Fire risk assessment checklist

You must keep a copy of this completed fire risk assessment for your records.

Responsible person (employer or person having control of premises):

Address of premises:


Date of assessment:

Use of premises:

Number of floors:


Maximum number of employees/visitors:

Electrical installations and equipment

Are fixed installations periodically inspected and tested every five years?

Are electrical equipment and appliances periodically inspected and tested?

Is the use of trailing leads and adaptors avoided where possible?


Are adequate measures in place to stop people from smoking on the premises?

Are ‘No smoking’ signs provided?

Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke outside the premises?


Are the premises adequately secured to prevent unauthorised access?

Are combustible materials, waste and refuse bins stored safely clear of the premises or in purpose-built compounds/rooms?

Heating systems and portable heaters

Are fixed heating systems subject to periodic maintenance?

Are portable heaters subject to periodic inspection and used safely?


Are adequate measures taken to prevent fires from cooking?

Are filters and ductwork subject to regular cleaning?


Is the standard of housekeeping adequate to avoid the accumulation of combustible materials and waste?

Are combustible materials kept separate from ignition and heat sources?

Is it ensured that all contractors who undertake work on the premises are competent and qualified?

Dangerous substances

Are suitable measures in place to address the fire hazards associated with the use and storage of dangerous substances?

Other significant fire hazards

Are there any other significant fire hazards in the premises?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, please list each hazard and any control measures to reduce the likelihood of fire in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the Action Plan.

Means of escape

Are all escape routes kept clear of obstructions to enable people to escape safely?

Are all fire exits easily and immediately openable?

Are distances of travel considered reasonable?

Are suitable precautions in place for all inner rooms?

Is adequate fire protection provided to stairways, including the provision of self-closing, fire-resisting doors?

Are reasonable arrangements in place for the safe evacuation of disabled employees and other disabled persons on the premises?

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the Action Plan.

Means of giving warning in case of fire

Is there a suitable electrical fire alarm system?

Are automatic smoke/heat detectors provided and is the extent and coverage considered adequate?

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the action plan.

Manual fire extinguishers

Is there reasonable provision of fire extinguishers?

Emergency escape lighting

Is there a reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting to illuminate escape routes and areas without natural lighting?

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the action plan.

Fire safety signs and notices

Is there a reasonable standard of fire exit signage and fire safety signs?

Are general fire notices, detailing the action to take in the event of a fire, provided and sited in prominent locations?

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the action plan.

Management of fire safety

Has someone been appointed to manage fire safety?

Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and properly documented?

Are all employees given regular instruction and training on the action to take in the event of a fire?

Are employees with additional responsibilities, such as fire wardens, given additional training to carry out their roles?

Are daily checks carried out to ensure exit routes are kept clear and fire exits remain easily openable?

Are monthly and annual testing routines in place for the emergency escape lighting?

Are weekly testing and periodic maintenance and servicing routines in place for the fire alarm system and any automatic detectors?

Are fire extinguishers subject to annual maintenance?

Are records of testing and maintenance maintained?

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below.

If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the action plan.

Action plan

If any of the above boxes are ticked with a ‘No’, the deficiencies should be described below, along with proposed action for rectification.



Proposed action


Person responsible