Policy paper

Firefighters’ pension scheme regulations: information on persons to be consulted

Published 17 February 2014

Applies to England


Before making regulations in exercise of the power in section 1 of the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 to establish pension scemes for fire and rescue workers in England, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (“responsible authority”) is required by section 21(1) of that Act to consult such persons (or representatives of such persons) as appear to the Secretary of State likely to be affected by those regulations. This statement sets out those persons whom the Secretary of State will normally expect to consult.


In most instances, consultations will be full open consultations available to members of the public via the gov.uk website. In these instances, the consultation will be drawn to the attention of the following persons:

  • Association of Local Authority Medical Advisors
  • Association of Principal Fire Officers
  • Chair of Fire and Rescue Authorities in England
  • Chief Fire Officers of Fire and Rescue Authorities in England
  • Chief Fire Officers Association
  • Fire Brigades Union
  • Fire Officers Association
  • Local Government Association
  • Prospect
  • Retained Firefighters’ Union
  • Scheme actuary to the firefighters’ pension schemes


In other limited circumstances where, for example, detailed technical issues relating to the pension schemes need to be raised, the Secretary of State may determine that a full open public consultation is not needed. In such instances, the following persons will be consulted as a minimum:

  • Association of Principal Fire Officers
  • Fire Brigades Union
  • Fire Officers Association
  • Local Government Association
  • Retained Firefighters’ Union
  • Scheme actuary to the firefighters’ pension schemes


This statement will be kept up to date.